Give me my Chances please

<p>I know it's a bit early to be asking for chances as a sophomore, but I"m curious!
The schools I'm looking at include
UMichigan, Brown, UChicago, Cornell, Rice, Middlebury</p>

<p>A note on Michigan: a classmate of mine has already committed to Michigan as of yesterday for a Basketball Scholarship. I know that two other classmates of mine are also planning applying (one of which has highest GPA in class). Do I still have a chance?</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.2
Unweighted GPA: unknown (our school won't tell us), but I'm going to guess somewhere between a 3.8-3.9
SAT/ACT: have not taken</p>

<p>Freshmen Classes:
Adv. Bio
Adv. Algebra 2
Block (computer/PE/religion/Health)
Computer Art
English (credited as adv.)
French II
Japanese II
World History (credited as adv)</p>

<p>Sophomore Classes:
Adv. Chem
English (adv)
USAHistory (adv)
Japanese III
French III
Block (PE/speech/writing/religion)

<p>Planned Junior Classes:
AP Chem
AP AB Calc
AP Euro
French IV
Hort. Science
Block (gov/econ)
English (adv)</p>

Speech (council member)
Design Editor of Newspaper (for Sophomore and Junior year)
Literary Magazine Editor
Founder/Leader of French Club
Science Olympiad </p>

<p>I'm also planning on going on a French Immersion Program next summer for 6 weeks (in France of course)</p>


<p>Addition: both of my parents are Michigan Alums</p>

<p>I’m sure at least one of those schools will accept you…</p>

<p>Definitely agree. I think your chances are pretty good.
Kinda hard to tell now though, but keep us posted through jr year!</p>