UM CHANCES please!

<p>Hey thanks for checking this out,</p>

<p>Schools I'm Interested in- </p>

<p>University of Michigan, Ann Arbor- Top Choice, My cousin and grandfather went here, so legacy...</p>

<p>Penn State, University Park
Boston University
Boston College
Syracuse University</p>

<p>State- Connecticut
Ethnicity- White
Sex- Male</p>

<p>-Unweighted GPA (4-point scale)- 3.57 now as a sophomore (was same as a freshman too i think) (feeling pretty stupid with my GPA :/)</p>

<p>-# of AP/IB/honors courses- Took 3 honors freshman year, taking 2 honors now</p>

<p>-class rank/size- N.A. (class size however is 450ish)</p>


English Honors- B-/B+
Western Civ. Honors B+/B+
Algebra 2 Honors- B-/B-
Spanish 1A- A/A
Biology A- B+/A-
Chorus- A
P.E.- A</p>

<p>UM GPA- 3.4,
Reg. GPA- 3.57ish</p>

English 2 Honors- B+
U.S. History Honors- B-
Pre-calculus- A
Spanish 2A- A+
Chemistry Honors (dropping down 2nd semester)- B-</p>

<p>UM GPA (so far)- 3.4
Reg. GPA- 3.57</p>

<p>-SAT/ACT scores -- Taking PSAT in March</p>

<p>-ECs -- </p>

<p>Varsity Hockey (2 years so far)
Varsity Lacrosse (2 years so far)
Chorus (2 years so far)
Staff Writer for my School Newspaper (This year, so 1 year basically)
Invisible Children's Club (1 year)
This summer- Going to Mexico to help underprivileged children</p>

<p>-employment -- none yet</p>

<p>So basically what are my chances? How can I improve them? How can I get better grades?</p>

<p>try to get your GPA up above 3.8 or it will be very hard for you to get into UM…being OOS doesn’t help you either</p>


<p>Huge reach. As far as improving your grades go, it’s all up to how much work you put into school. Be sure you take AP/IBs as a junior. Honors don’t mean very much; AP/IB will be the classes admissions officers will look to when examining your course load.</p>

<p>huge reach as of right now, you need to take some harder courses and get more As. 3.4 gpa on a OOS isnt gonna do it.</p>

<p>get all a’s in junior year and take a whole bunch of ap’s in senior year, they see workload and u might get accepted, even if u get all b’s i think u are still in. so overdo ur senior year take like 5 or 6 aps</p>