Glynn Honors

Anyone have information regarding Glynn Honors? Can the students use AP credits to still satisfy electives? Are the courses graded harder? Is it worth it to do it? What are the major pros/cons?


@msehmel123 - I am not an expert on Glynn Honors, but I will add my thoughts on your question. It is my understanding that the Honors students take the same classes for their major as other students. The status of AP credits will depend more on the major. It will be independent of Glynn Honors.

My perspective as an outsider is the relative worth depends on the student’s goals. Do they want to pursue a PhD, MD or JD? Do they want to do research? If yes to either, then it would be worth it in my mind. The counter to that is you can pursue all of those endeavors without being in Glenn Honors.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. This was helpful insight!

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Good morning. Does anyone know how much more time-intensive the Glynn courses are than the regular courses on the arts & letters side? Our son has been admitted to the College of Science. He intends to major in ACMS (19 credits per semester, first year). He is also considering a dual degree program (Engineering). He has been invited to join Glynn, but we are concerned that this combination may leave him with no free time or sleep.

I would appreciate any insight on this.

@Suzie1145 My suggestion is for your son to connect with Tracey or James at the earliest opportunity:

Double majoring in ACMS and Engineering will present a challenge, if he wants to graduate in 4 years. Combining his intended ACMS Major

with an Engineering Minor
or vice versa will be the better option, which in turn can be combined with Glynn, at least for his First-Year of studies. ND advising is very experienced and I would suggest for your son to discuss these and related points with them as soon as this will be possible for him late Spring/early Summer.

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