I've started to think about med school lately, the only problem is that I am halfway done with my sophomore year and I have yet to take a pre-med worthy science class. I could possibly finish in 4 years just by taking the bare minimum (chem, o-chem, bio, and physics, is that all?) but it would probably take 5 because I would be working on another degree (economics). How do med schools view this? Is it look down upon by med schools to go to college for so long?</p>
<p>i have no idea…but i dont think it should really make a difference…you are starting the premed track almost halfway through college…do what you have to do…im sure they will realize the reason it is taking you 5 years and not care too much about it…</p>
<p>It’s not a big deal as long as you don’t dilute your course. For example, you should take Biology and Chemistry together during the semester and take your economics courses as summer courses. Just taking Biology for one year, then Chemistry another year, then Physics, and then O-chemistry could show that you can’t handle the course material. </p>
<p>Also, you want to make sure that you score nearly all As seeing as how your Science GPA won’t have much padding here or there.</p>
<p>I really doubt it… people graduate with degrees in Econ or w/e, then decide on Med and go back to college for 2 yrs to do their prereqs</p>
<p>It won’t be a problem, especially since you have a valid explanation</p>
<p>great, thanks guys!</p>