<p>I recently told some of my family (An aunt actually) that I wanted to go to Upenn 'But doubted I'd get in, as I'm not incredibly brilliant nor amazing at one thing.' My aunt talked to her husband who it turns out is a really good friend with a lawyer that graduated from U Penn.
So he said he'd set us up to 'talk' soon. I don't have dates as of now but. Well holy crap.
It's not an official interview, but should I treat it as such? If we end up meeting up do I wear a suit, business casual or what?
Should I prepare questions, bring a transcript or what?
I'm only an incoming sophomore so Im really just hoping to make a little bit of an impression. Maybe (hopefully) form some connections.
<p>Your uncle’s lawyer friend might not be able to do anything for your admission to Penn, especially if he’s not your assigned interviewer. Is he someone that’s well-connected to Penn (other than just being a graduate)? </p>
<p>If he’s just a non-active alumni, then I wouldn’t go so far as to prepare questions and a transcript. Just meet with him (I would say business casual is fine) over coffee and ask him about what his experiences were like at Penn, as a courtesy more than anything else. If you leave a really good impression on him, maybe he’ll write a note to admissions, but again, unless he has some pull in the Penn community, I wouldn’t think that would be very consequential.</p>
<p>Ahh yes I thought if made that more clear (it’s late here) I dont expect him to do much other then talk to me about U penn and if he knows anyone who can help me.
I just don’t know quite what to do with him. He’s very well off (Head of The union law ((chief? I’ll ask my uncle)
I know that I have to be respectful and such but I’m not sure exactly to what degree its not formal but he could also be very connected I don’t know</p>
<p>I would ask your uncle and have at least a background knowledge of what this guy exactly does. You’re right - he might be very well-connected. Always better to assume so than not. </p>
<p>Like I said, I wouldn’t bring him a transcript (seems like overkill; in fact, you shouldn’t even do this with your official interviewer). You might prepare questions that pertain to his past experiences, classes at Penn, campus life, how he stays connected to Penn (this question might be a good way to learn what kind of a pull he has on your admission, if any).</p>
<p>Don’t ask him to chance you or what he thinks of your high school credentials - that might annoy him.</p>
<p>^ Thank you.
Nah if I ever need chanced ill harass you guys.
But yes I’ll contact my uncle and see what he thinks. What his job is, what year he graduated, but I can’t really ask if ‘he’s connected’ but it’s better to assume he is.
I don’t really expect a ton from him but I do want to talk to him. I think that it’d be cool to honestly talk to any lawyer let alone one from U Penn.
And thank you ^.^ You were very helpful.</p>
<li><p>Call it UPenn. It’s just Penn.</p></li>
<li><p>Call him an alumni. Alumni is plural for male graduates. Multiple female graduates are alumnae. A single person is an alumnus (male) or alumna (female).</p></li>
<p>^ Sorry live right by Penn state. So if I don’t add a U most humans get confused
Alumnus. Alright.
See we’re improving as human beings here :P</p>