Going to prom as a stag

<p>First of all, I am a confident guy - there are many girls whom I can go with. However, the dilemma is that most of my friends are rather, un-nerdy, and most of my girl friends are from honors/AP classes, and are unfamiliar with my group of friends. Out of the girls I know that are in our group, they either have boyfriends or had some bad cases with my close friends. So I was thinking, should I ask a girl to prom even if she doesn't know my friends and stuff, or should I just go stag to my senior prom?</p>

<p>At my school, guys going alone=bad. You're pretty much a loser. Girls however is really common and plenty do it (including me). But that's just how things work here :)</p>

<p>at my school, everyone stags it out</p>

<p>at my school it is pretty mixed. a lot of guys go with dates (most of them do) but some guys do go stag and a ton of girls go stag too, so there are a lot of choices in regards to who to dance with...</p>

<p>I am going stag because there is no way in hell I am missing my senior prom and it just so happens that I have an abrasive personality that repels high school guys.</p>

<p>i love your attitude chaos777. i have a friend who refuses to go to prom if she doesn't have a date. but i guess it is semi-understandable because in our group of 19, 18 of us are couples, so she would be the only one going stag...</p>

<p>At my school it depends on the year! Last year's prom was the year to go stag this year I think out of about 500-600 prom attendees 90% of them have dates!!! Just depends on the year!!</p>

<p>well my prom was last week and I went dateless with a group of friends (I'm a dude)...I had a good time...no problems whatsoever</p>

<p>=] Going to prom by myself! ^__^ Well not all by myself. :] I'm going with my friends who have dates and I don't. xP It's okay though. I have 20 friends as my dates. :] Man, I feel so pimp. Hehehe!</p>

<p>I thought you were going with me?</p>



<p>Guys going stag = almost unheard of (at least at my school). Girls going stag = uncommon. About 98% go with a date here.</p>

<p>my school - you don't go to prom w/out a date. period.</p>

<p>they sold tickets way too early though........ no time to ask</p>

<p>at my school they sell tickets in two different waves. if you buy them early enough they are 100 for a couple. but if you wait until late april/early may, they are 125 for a couple... and the early ticket price usually isn't well advertised, so everyone pays the 125 price.</p>

<p>I got hit today when I told someone I wasn't going to prom</p>

<p>I'm not going to prom.</p>

<p>"I got hit today when I told someone I wasn't going to prom"</p>

<p>LOL. w.t.f?</p>

<p>tickets are $35 here.</p>

<p>"I got hit today when I told someone I wasn't going to prom"</p>

<p>yeah, that is what would happen at my school. prom is such a huge deal here that you are shunned if you don't go. but if you go to afterprom, you are somewhat redeemed...</p>

<p>I feel sorta bad because a boy asked me but theres a wedding the exact same night, and it's my duty to go . . . close family friend . . so I had to reject him . . I'm sure he understood though :(</p>