Golden Key Int'l Honor Society

<p>My son received an email from a UM representative inviting him to join this society. Does anyone know if it's worth the $80 to join?</p>

<p>My DS passed on this one, as he has with other invites. We took the advice from a few well respected individuals we know…if you have to pay for it just to put it on the resume, then it is a “resume padder” and not something people will be impressed by. The GPA speaks for itself.</p>

<p>However, congrats to him for being asked. That means he is working hard and will reap many other benefits from his hard work!</p>

<p>I agree with DinDune. I mean, it might not be a bad thing to put on a resume, but it doesn’t really help you with anything. Iron Arrow/Mortar Board might be the exceptions to this, but even then… I mean, employers/graduate school admissions committees don’t know what they are.</p>