Good APs for sophomores?

<p>This year I'm taking no AP courses (our school doesn't allow it.)
What are some APs on the easier side? I was thinking of taking AP Statistics and AP World History but I'm not sure. Would I be better off taking math analysis& trig, or just taking AP statistics? I won't be continuing on to AP calc since I'm doing IB.
Also, is AP world history easy? I'm going to be taking it as an extra course, so it doesn't replace my social studies course.</p>

<p>I’m not sure how IB works, but you should probably take pre-calculus so you can end with calculus of some sort. </p>

<p>AP classes considered easier (well, by CCers):
Human Geography
Environmental Science

<p>People say AP World is easy but I haven’t taken it so I can’t say.</p>

<p>I know that Statistics is supposedly easy, but at my school, it’s notoriously difficult - so I cannot vouch for that: In my own personal experience, I’ve found that the easiest APs are:</p>

<p>AP World History (10,000 years of human history covered in one year, so you only ever really skim the surface)
AP Environmental Science (90% common sense… 10% more common sense)
AP Psychology (Interesting for some, a real bore for others - but easy nonetheless)</p>

<p>AP European History
AP Psychology
AP Human Geography</p>

<p>I’m in AP Euro and I really like that class. We have a great teacher and it’s really the only class I learn something new and valuable in every day. But it does depend on your teacher.</p>

<p>I agree with others - </p>

<p>easier ones:

<p>can’t vouch for stats…my teacher was extreme.</p>

<p>With IB you will probably take Math SL or HL (or your school may offer descrete math). Since you will be going the IB route and will have a few AP classes, there is eally no need for AP stats or calc (assuming that you will take Math SL or HL). Stay away from descrete math because it is basically alg III.</p>

<p>If I like Economics, would AP Economics (Micro 1st semester & Macro 2nd semester) in Sophomore Year be a good choice?</p>

<p>Do you guys know how hard AP Economics is?</p>

<p>I’m a sophmore and I’m taking one AP class, chemistry. It’s really easy, definitely not my hardest class</p>

<p>I think you could take any AP you want during 10th grade year…but only one.</p>

<p>I took AP US History my 10th grade year and did fine got a 4 on the exam.</p>

<p>Are AP US History and AP Economics hard APs?</p>

<p>Masterball- Is AP Chem really easy, or are you just really good at the sciences? I’m considering taking it by taking regular chem over summer school but I’m not sure because everyone at my school says it’s really hard.</p>

<p>Euro is the only sophomore ap here</p>

<p>I took ap us history as a sophomore and got a 5. It’s hard but if you study the American pageant textbook like its the bible or something, you’ll do great!</p>

<p>US History
Human Geo
Calc (if good at math)
Environmental Science
Physics B
Either economics</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore taking it now along with some of my other sophomore friends, and as far as I know, we’re all doing well in the class. It’s a lot of information to memorize, so if you’re good with that, you might want to take it.</p>

<p>That’s for APUSH right?</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore and I’m taking APUSH and AP Euro right now. They aren’t really hard. I’d say APUSH is a little easier, though.</p>

<p>Last year I took APWH and got a 4 on it. That class isn’t too bad, either.</p>

<p>I haven’t taken any AP classes either, but halcyonheather’s answer is what most say (I know this from reading here). </p>

<p>As for AP World, it’s supposedly hard at my school. I’m not sure if it actually is, or a bunch of sophomores underestimated AP and like to complain that it is hard because it is the first AP. </p>

<p>Instead of starting a new thread, I have a similar question. How hard is AP Art History (the class, not test)? I know it varies, but generally. Also, Awflapjackz (or anyone else), how are two AP history classes at the same time? I’m taking World next year.</p>

<p>AP Enviornmental or AP Stats</p>

<p>It’s really not that big of a deal. The rest of my classes are also honors or accelerated, and I can handle the workload alongside two sports. Unless you despise reading, AP history courses aren’t that stressful. Just study hard throughout the year, and then studying for the AP exam won’t be that difficult.</p>

<p>How is AP Spanish Language vs Literature?</p>

<p>How is AP English Language vs Literature?</p>