Good/Bad Universities for Hispanics

<p>So as I'm going along on my college application process I'm thinking well college is going to be nothing like high school especially when there are a lot less hispanics than I am used to (About 30% at my hs). So I was wondering if anybody had heard/had experienced any particular pluses or negatives of any school in the way they treat hispanics (ie racism, etc). What schools do yall recommend that have great attention towards minorities or go out of their way to address them? What schools are simply not recommended?</p>

<p>MIT generally did a nice job with Hispanics (and people of color in general). There was a Latino cultural center, a “Spanish House” living group that provided a Spanish immersion experience (intended for everyone from language beginners to native speakers) and emphasis on Hispanic cultures, and an Office of Minority Education. There have been Hispanic admissions bloggers, and in the past, there was one who blogged in Spanish, whose blog archives are still on the admissions site. The Admissions Office has a Director of Minority Recruitment. There are optional summer programs for entering frosh targeted at helping URMs adjust to college. And I saw ~no Hispanophobia while I was there (I encountered a couple of people who were racist in general, and more who were just kind of clueless, but little malice, and nothing specific to Hispanics).</p>

<p>As of last year, it was 12.4% Hispanic at the undergrad level.</p>