<p>I'm a sophomore who's got big 10 schools in mind recognizes the zillions of options available to her. =) What colleges have really strong education programs? Probably mostly LACs, if I'm right?</p>
<p>I want to teach secondary American history, if it gets down to that.</p>
<p>You know, I think I would look very closely at the school districts surrounding the colleges you think about. Realistically unless you do something like Teach for America, the two most likely places you’ll get a job are your hometown or your college town. If you were to come down to Memphis to learn to be a teacher, you’d have to have it in your heart as a service vocation b/c the Memphis City Schools are in rough shape. But, you could really make a difference…</p>
<p>Northwestern! The School of Education and Social Policy has a good secondary education program and other interdisciplinary majors (social policy, learning and organization change, etc.). It’s also a Big 10 school.</p>