Good colleges for 3.5 GPA in high school?

<p>I plan to major in Nursing and minor in Psychology, I have (unweighted) a 3.5 GPA and (weighted) 4.2 GPA. I live in Southern California and plan to go to college here, do you have any suggestions for a Nursing major? Here are some stats:
rank: 31 out of 507
SAT (reasoning): CR 580, M 560, W 520= 1660 (will retake)
SAT II: US History 650 Math II 550 (will retake Math II and Spanish should I do Bio too?)
Hispanic Female (minority) my family has very low income
volunteer at local library along with member of several clubs</p>

<p>I've been thinking of:
Cal State Long Beach
UC Irvine
San Diego State
though I think I'm reaching too far</p>

<p>I applied to all those schools last year :slight_smile: Didn’t get into UCI though, which was my first choice. You said you were hispanic, right? UCI’s nursing application has a whole section on whether or not you speak spanish, and I think the fact that I didn’t speak ANY spanish whatsoever really hurt my chances. If you speak spanish, you’ll definitely have an advantage.</p>

<p>I’d say you have a really, really good chance at Long Beach, a pretty reasonable chance at san diego (I’d be surprised if you didn’t get in), but you definitely need to raise your sat score for UCI. Have you considered the ACT? I had a really hard time with the SAT, just couldn’t get a high score, so I tried the ACT and did much better.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks for answering :slight_smile: i do speak spanish i plan to take the sat spanish subject test yeah i plan to retake the sat soon and take the act i was thinking of applying to ucla but that would be too far of a reach wouldn’t it?</p>

<p>Well, you never know. It can’t hurt to apply. I never thought I’d have even a chance at UCLA, but here I am! Or will be. I move in in 8 days, but who’s counting :slight_smile: Plus the supplemental application for UCI and UCLA’s nursing programs are really similar, so it’s really easy to apply to UCLA if you’ve already done UCI’s application.</p>

<p>If I had to go back to senior year and do college apps all over again, the one thing I would do differently is really research where all the direct entry nursing schools are in California (there’s a thread about it somewhere on here) and apply there. To me at least, having a direct entry nursing program was the most important part of my college decision.</p>

<p>You will most likely get into long beach and San Diego State. Irvine might be a reach, but still apply (i’m applying their for nursing as well) You should apply to an undergraduate nursing program like at UCI or UCLA. CSU schools are also good in nursing. You should choose a school where the students have a high passing rate on the nursing exam. This website shows the passing rates: [Board</a> of Registered Nursing - NCLEX Pass Rates](<a href=“]Board”></p>