good digital camera? help!

<p>my brother is going to buy a digi camera before leaving for his freshmen yr in college...</p>

<p>we don't know much about it...can anyone recommend us some good ones?
preferably price range $250-$350. nothing more than $400....</p>

<p>we were thinking about canon sd400 but i read in a review that it breaks really easily....</p>

<p>any tips?</p>

<p>Any sony supershot they are well built and give superb pic quality. I have a 4.0 pixel and the quality is really good but I have seen some sony cameras with up to 7 pixel quality.</p>

<p>I got a Canon Powershot A510 for college. Only about $200 or less, very durable, 3.2 megapixels but the quality's great. </p>

<p>Nikon CoolPix is cool as well. If you're brother's not a professional photographer (as in he just wants to take pics of friends and places), 3.2 MP should be fine. I was extremely satisfied w/ my purchase.</p>

<p>we had a nikon 5900 which was great, it allowed pictures, and had a feature that allowed movie taking,(around $300+) (always great in college) but for some reason we ended up losing it on our cruise and strangely enough we ended up with a Olympus Stylus 300 digital that has pictures of other people from the cruise(not our camera but it is now).anybody know how to use these types of cameras, i cant get out of the photo view part.</p>

<p>i just bought a sony cybershot 4.2 pixels. its really small and excellent quality...i recommend sony.</p>

<p>try to get a camera with 5 megapixels.</p>

<p>I lucked out and got a Pentax Optio for a little over $200. 5 pixels, small, pretty awesome.</p>

<p>Get the canon SD500 or SD400</p>