good enough for Michigan engineering?

<p>My son is a junior with a 3.8 weighted/3.5 unweighted gpa at a top school in our area. He is projected to score around 2100 in his sat 1 and is interested in mechanical engineering. We are not Michigan residents. Do you think Michigan is a possibility? Does he apply to the entire university or to a particular school.</p>

<p>He has a slim chance. He will have to apply to the Engineering School.</p>

<p>Typically, successful applicants have unweighed GPAs over 3.7. However, your son's SAT would suggest that the school he attends and the courses he has taken are challenging. Michigan is probably a reach, but your son has a shot. Did he take any AP classes? If so, how did he do on the AP exams?</p>

<p>Another relevant question is how many AP classes has he taken and how many are offered at his school?</p>

<p>He has one score so far, a 4 in AP Env Sci. He is currently taking AP's in Chem and Engl comp. He will probably take three AP's as a senior (physics, Engl lit, and one other). My feeling is he should set a goal for a 5 in one AP science and prep really well for 3 SAT subject tests (including calc and chem or phys). His gpa has been rising.</p>

Thx for responding. His school has AP's in just about everything a student could possibly take.</p>

<p>U of M does not consider SAT II tests for admission or AP scores for admission.</p>

<p>Not really:</p>

<p>"The University of Michigan does not require SAT IIs for admission... If SAT II Subject tests are sent to our office, they will be considered in the admissions decision. If the student is admitted, the tests may be used to determine placement."</p>

<p>SAT II is not required so you are not disadvantaged if you haven't taken one. However, if submit your SAT II scores, they will be considered in the admissions decision. It's another piece of information about you.</p>

Your son is fine with 5 APs as long as he has taken his fair share of honor classes.</p>

<p>Michigan doesn't count freshman year grades. So if his GPA has been rising, his unweighted GPA may be higher than 3.5. He should recalculate his Michigan GPA to get a better picture.</p>

<p>Btw, there is no SAT Subject Test on Calculus. Math L2 only requires math knowledge up to precalculus.</p>

<p>thx for all the information. If he does well this year I think he'll apply. Other schools we are considering visiting this year are mostly western state uni's as they are so affordable (I know we won't qualify for financial aid) and catholic uni's with engineering departments. I'd love to hear any comments on them you may have. He is not definitely wedded to the west, it's just what we're most familiar with.</p>

Oregon State (western states association pay 1.5 x instate tuition)
Colorado State (western states association pay 1.5 x instate tuition)
University of Colorado -Boulder
University of Oregon
Uinversity of Utah (western states association pay 1.5 x instate tuition)
Arizona State (in state student)
University of Arizona (in state student)
University of Washington
University of San Diego
Loyola Marymount University
Santa Clara University
University of Portland</p>

<p>whoops, Oregon State is not a Western Tuition exchange member</p>