Good enough to make living as creative writing major?

<p>My D has a friend, "S" who says she is interested in a creative writing major/career. I have been looking into some schools for her, as it well known that I'm the go-to mom for college help/info. Her parents are concerned that she may not be good enough to actually make a living at it. My D is an art major and they have National Portfolio Days where students bring their portfolios for review by the admissions folks from art colleges all over US and Canada. S's mom is wondering (as am I) if there is a similar program for other creative types. The mom doesn't want to discourage her, but does not want her to be disappointed either if her work isn't good enough. Mom feels like she doesn't have the passion, but then again, she is comparing her to my daughter who eats, sleeps and breathes art. Are there summer programs like there are for art students who want to improve their portfolios?</p>

<p>Would love to hear from others in this situation. So far she is hooked on Emerson, but I'm encouraging her to look at U of Iowa and Purchase College in NY. She's a junior, so she has some time, but time flies!!</p>

<p>here’s a somewhat depressing take on the prospects for would-be writers from the Wall Street Journal: [From</a> Anne Frank to Stephenie Meyer: The Slush Pile -](<a href=“]From”></p>

<p>But I wouldn’t discourage a high school junior who already has some idea of what she wants to do. I know a girl who attended the Teen Ink summer program in NYC and thought it was worthwhile.</p>

<p>I’m high school senior planning on majoring in creative writing at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. Personally, I’m in love with the program and the university and I know they offer some programs for high school students. I’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for but there is a summer writing workshop for high schoolers available - [Susquehanna</a> University - About Susquehanna: Writers Workshop](<a href=“]Susquehanna”> The SU Writers Institute has gotten very good reviews for both this workshop and their program overall. Good luck to your D’s friend!</p>

<p>Thanks I will pass that on to her. She may be able to attend that this summer.</p>

<p>hey “IloveLA” ! so i read that you know someone who attended the teen ink writing program in nyc! that’s so ironic because i’m actually set to attend it this summer! i’m so excited and looking forward to the program a lot! i’d love to hear from someone who’s already been, if there’s any way that’s possible! does she have a CC account that i can email her on?
thanks so much! :)</p>