Good Fights

<p>OK so I just saw a good fight between this black guy and this Mexian chollo, my school is pretty diverse. Anyways when I say good fight I mean the black guy tore him up, you could see the blood coming from his face, but it was a little short.I'm not biased. The question I have is what was the best fight you have ever seen at school.</p>

<p>There used to be a bunch of really good ones, but our hall monitors/police have gotten too good at breaking them up for my liking</p>

<p>i didnt see the actual fight, but a kid got med-evaced out with a fractured eye socket.</p>

<p>At a neighboring hs, ppl there literally get into fights everyday. It’s ridiculous.</p>

<p>I see fights all the time, there is a high gang and drug using population and tension are always tight.</p>

<p>The best fight: A white guy and black guy going at it. Didn’t get broken up for a while and I had a front seat view because I was on a bus and they were right below the window. Bloody nose, nasty bruises, the works. The worse I’ve heard of, but never seen, was a girl fight actually. Girl hit her head on the ground and had a seizure, but the other girl kept punching her. </p>

<p>Most pathetic fight: Two girls going at it. It started because one hit the other in the face with her project. borrrrrrrinngggg, they just kept pulling each other’s hair and slapping. Even the administration thought it was lame, they casually walked to break it up instead of running. </p>

<p>We had on day where you could cut the tension in the air with a knife… there were threats of a drive by and the police department arrested a ridiculous amount of kids for possession of drugs, knives, and guns. Of course, the school kept it quite so the media wouldn’t find out and the school wouldn’t get a worse rap then it already has. Oh how I love public school…</p>

<p>My school is also really diverse and for the suburbs of southern NY, we’re pretty… inner-city like I guess you could call it. 60% of my school is Hispanic, 2% is Asian/other, 10% is black, and 28% is white. A lot of the Hispanic kids at my school get caught up in gangs (like… Bloodz, Kryptz, etc). The bell had just rung and I was walking from one class to the next and one kid wore the color representing his gang and the next thing I knew another kid pulled out a knife and started slashing the other kids face.</p>

<p>Needless to say, the kid whose face got slashed got pretty f-ed up and has some brutal scars.</p>

<p>Then there was one fight between cheerleaders from my school that disrupted a basketball game and left fistfuls of hair in the middle of the court.</p>

<p>There was also a really bad fight (which happened the year before I got there) where apparently chains got involved and there was blood coating an entire hallway.</p>

<p>…Good times.</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot, in middle school, this one kid slammed a guy’s face on his desk,and he was wearing glasses. There was blood dripping everywhere…including in the hallways. That was so sad. :/</p>

<p>my gosh lilygraces that is some hardcore s*** right there! The California fights out here got nottthinggggg on your New York fights lol</p>

<p>LOL. It’s so funny though because I live in one of the richest counties in the US. But then again, my town is kind of like the bad seed of the area… or one of them (there are 3 places like my town [one of which is actually a city] in my county).</p>

<p>Lol I used my ghetto public high school to my advantage in my college essays very slyly… told them the reason I want to be a guidance councilor is because I saw how much trouble kids can get into FIRST HAND lol and how I managed to stay out of it. I don’t live in a bad town either, it’s one of the most developed and populated cities in California… but not my school lol.</p>

<p>There have been a few good ones at my school. The best was when this girl (probably 110 lbs) was talking smack, and the girl she was talking about (probably 190 lbs) ran across the gym and beat the living crap out of her! 1 punch knocked her down, then the whole student body (a few hundred kids) packed into the gym to see what was going on. Teachers/counselor couldn’t get through the crowd to break it up because it was so packed, and the fight lasted a good 5 minutes!!!)</p>

<p>Not really a fight, but a funny moment was in my science class (well funny for me anyways). I was sitting down at our table filling out a worksheet and one of the dorks in my class (had something wrong with him…kinda special, but not special enough to go to a mental home) walked past my table and slapped me on my forehead and yelled “DORKSTAMP!!!”. I proceeded to stand up, and pushed that little twerp as hard as I could. He fell backwards over a chair and smoked his head on the table…dbag deserved it. Everybody in my class looked at him, then at me, and I was like “What??? He tripped…”</p>

<p>Never got in trouble or anything…was pretty funny…</p>

<p>It’s pretty ironic how in my school there’s a fight like every other day, but I always miss them! But there’s nothing special about those fights, just old school punching and kicking.</p>

<p>One day some kid who wasn’t a student brought like a sickle or big knife to our school and sliced this kid and gave him like 120 stitches down his arm.didn’t see it though</p>

<p>glad that doesnt happen at my school… guys get into fights but they’re not that brutal and it’s usually guys, never seen a girl fight, usually just back talk</p>

<p>My school is hardly “ghetto,” since its 93% white.</p>

<p>However, like 40% of the white kids are white kids that wish they were black, and they dress all gangster and take on the ebonics and whole black lifestyle.
The fights usually involve those kids. Like 2 months ago at lunch, this boy jabbed another boy’s forehead into the nozzle of a drinking fountain, and it jabbed right through his frontal bone. Then another guy tried to beat the **** out of the “bully” and they got in a massive brawl and the main guy got nailed in the stomach and blew chunks into the surrounding crowd.</p>

<p>That was the only “fight” i’ve even heard about in my school. Everyone really gets along.</p>

<p>Best fight was when one kid wouldn’t stop poking the other kid in the hallway so the one being poked beat the crap out of the other kid’s face…</p>

<p>Needless to say, my new $90 Lacoste polo got covered in blood. The lockers had blood smears and my the other kids face was covered in blood.</p>

<p>It wasn’t really a fight. It was just a total beat down.</p>

<p>Ok so I live in your stereotyical rich Minnesota suburb that is like 94% white and everyone basically gets along. There hasn’t been a big fight like ever. Although we did have this facebook scandel where a bunch of athletes from a few different sports got caught with pics on facebook of them drinking. It didn’t really matter though cause we won state in girls hockey and football :). We scored a TD every drive in the state championship game.</p>

<p>The best fight I’ve ever seen was two girls. They were fighting over a guy and it was intense. It was on the last day of school in the gym and GirlA climbe the side of the bleachers and atacked GirlB. A ripped out the B’s nose ring and started pounding her. This was at the top middle of the beachers so none of the teachers could get to her. One guy grabed her and tried to pull her off but he could not hold on to her. It went on for a while but eventualy GirlA was restrained.</p>