good gpa ... *meh* SAT..

<p>as much as i HATE chance threads... i'm inexplicably drawn to making one... because right now, i feel SO helpless...and that i will not get into any of the universities i want to because of my lackluster act/sat scores. dammnn i want to be strong...but i can't.. i hate CC sometimes!!! grr</p>

<p>so, please... let me know if i should stop worrying.. or if i should indeed keep worrying. BLAH</p>


<p>4/430 ish (top 1%)
hardest course available basically... all A, A+'s since sophomore year
--Will only post my highest stats stuff
SAT (670-CR 700 M, 700 W, 11 Essay)
SAT II (760 Math II, 740 Chem)
ACT 31</p>


<p>ECs, my main one is music...</p>

<p>Winner of the 2005 Lakeland Civic Orchestra Young Artists Concerto Competition.</p>

<p>One, and the youngest, of the twelve semifinalist in the 2006 PianoArts North American Biennial Piano competition. </p>

<p>Member of our area's Youth Symphony (2007-present)</p>

<p>Winner of the 2008 Concerto Competition with this symphony</p>

<p>Participated in the 2007 Junior Jury debut of the 2007 Cleveland International Piano Competition.</p>

<p>First Prize winner of the 2008 Cleveland Showcase Young Artists Competition. </p>

<p>One of the 6 finalists selected in the 2008 PIANO/OHIO Competition sponsored by the Cleveland International Piano Competition.</p>

<p>A second prize winner of the 2008 and 2009 Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition. Invited to perform in the Kosciusko Foundation in New York City. </p>

<p>Recipient of the 2008 Irving S. Gilmore International Keyboard Festival Master Class Fellowship in Kalamazoo, MI. </p>

<p>First Prize winner of the 2009 Performance Pacesetter Competition at Heidelberg University. Received cash award and scholarship money.</p>

<h2>I recital extensively at my music school and such, and in churches, etc. i practice bout 2-3 hours a day.. yeah, definitely i sent in a rec from my teacher as well as a dvd</h2>

<p>so, in school.. i'm in our school's asian club, newspaper, quiz bowl, NHS.. the norm</p>


<p>volunteer at hospital, retirement center and library.. i'd say ~250 hours.. </p>


<p>paid internship at a hospital -- research


<p>please give me an honest response!</p>

<p>Worrying or not worrying won’t make a difference. You definitely have an angle and a passion and are in the ballpark for admittance. Make the most of enjoying your senior year of high school and good luck in your applications to Rice and other schools. Deep breath, now… ;)</p>

<p>Don’t stress - it won’t help. Your SATs are FAR from crummy, anyway! My son’s SATs are better than yours, but you have about 10 TIMES more EC than he does, so we’re worried about ECs. You have a lot going for you, and Rice or some equally wonderful college will recognize that. Apply to Rice and be proud of what you have to offer.</p>

<p>Your SATS are not bad… those are excellent scores (above 90 percentile probably) and most students would love to have your scores. Anyway, your SAT II scores are pretty high. Plus you have been very committed to your extracurriculars. Chill out. You are definitely in the running for many of the top 25 universities. Everything will be okay. Rice and most of the other most selective universities evaluate candidates holistically anyway.</p>

<p>Wow, your piano awards are amazing! Congratulations! I think you will do wonderfully wherever you go. I wish I could hear you play some day! I was a serious pianist in high school, but nothing like you.</p>

<p>Why not send the ACT and not the SAT? Can you send the SAT IIs without the SAT I?</p>

<p>my sat and act are about the same (according to conversion tables) so i’ll probably send both…</p>