Good (intro) language programs?

<p>Hello, I've been thinking about summer classes and I think I want to try to learn a new language (I take latin in school)
I've narrowed it down to Arabic, Japanese or Hindi...</p>

<p>I was wondering if there are any programs out there that are good for someone looking to learn a new language?</p>

<p>I was looking at the Georgetown/Harvard SSP programs and they had the languages I was interested in, but are there any others of note?</p>


<p>Concordia Languages, but I'm sure you've heard of it by now. Do a board search and check out [url=<a href=""&gt;];/a> - Camp Reviews and Ratings<a href="camp%20ratings%20website%20and%20search%20for%20Concordia">/url</a>. They have 4 week high school credit courses with over 180+ hours of instruction, which should be a good intro level :) In addition 4 week high school credit, they also have just 4 week courses (german and french only though) and 2 week courses. They have courses in Arabic and Japanese.</p>

<p>Also check out Middlebury language classes. Good luck!</p>

<p>That sounds pretty cool.</p>

<p>Do you know, are most of the people there already students of the language? Would I be really behind knowing nothing about the language?</p>

<p>I've never been to there, but I would think it varies. They have levels for everyone at nearly any age. Not knowing the language will not be a problem! And the same goes for Middlebury. Don't let your lack of the knowledge stop you from going.</p>

<p>And for Concordia, they are doing a sweepstakes right now and if you enter (once daily) you can win a free 2 week session or $1675 off a 4 week course :)</p>