Good morning!

<p>Next year I am going to high school. That means I'm 13, right. I have been doing alot of thinking, processing every phsycological pathway I can fathom. I have been reading big SAT books and college guides. Now, I have some questions so that I can wrap up my little futuristic phase and begin to live and satisfy my highschool years. I just want to ask some questions and see what you think about my ideas for EC's etc. Of course, I am not going to fill my every second with crappy titles and mere tasks. I want to discover every possible thing I am good at and passionate about. Then I want to stick to what I live by like spell-o-tape, specializing my self further. EXUSE ANY TYOS(LOL)
My initial questions:
I am a first generation hispanic with all Uruguayan roots. My parents escaped the taxi- driver, poverty filled, abusive lives much of my family tends to have settled to. The have exellent jobs. Now, will being from a less than famous country increase my chances of getting into a top 20 college?
Languages. I speak english and spanish. I am now pretty fluent in Italian, taking H Ital 3 at my high school. I have to wake up with the highschoolers and then take a bus to my middle school after first period. I am also 3 years in to japaneese on saturdays. I am so exited to be going to Japan this year!!!!AHHH!!! Any how.... Do languages better my chances of getting into, let us say now, Stanford or Princeton?
My only sport is ice skating, 3 years, freestyle 5. Is that enough?
Would you beleive me if I, in the privacy of my keyboard, were to tell you that I think I am an exellent artist and author? Everyone who see's my work immediatley says "You should be an artist/ author." No joke. Even I, with high standards, feel that after my 3 years of middle school, my art skills have mounted tremendously. My authorlyness does not come through HERE. I want to write fiction novels.
I am planning an taking 14 AP classes. Heres my schedule copied from exel. I live in MD. Will this hurt my chances? Also, any advice for standarized tests? When should I take them.
Freshman APEX English 9 APEX bio APEX AP US Government & Politics H algbr 2 H ital 4 H chorus H dig art
Sophmore APEX English 10 H Chemistry APEX AP US history H pre calc H ital 5 H chorus AP Environmental
Junior AP litcomp AP Physics B APEX AP WH AP Calc BC AP Ital (AP science) Free space for AP (AP Science) AP 2d,3d Studio
Senior AP lancomp Free space AP Micro and Macroeconomics AP statistics Pe yoga H chorus AP Drawing</p>

<p>Okee Dokey, sorry to bore yall (as my italian teacher always says!)
Next, I'll post possible extra curriculars, interns, and edges. THANK YOU.
I will have completed 6 HS courses with a 5.0 in june. I will take health and tech in the summer.</p>

<p>1st intrests:
fine arts
law and debate
forgien languages
history and anthropology
writing skills
This is vauge, I know, but it helps me start to let loose on the stress of doing well.
I plan to and may already participate in the following:
Piano lessons (will be 10 years.) I like to compose.
Ice skating
Italian H society
Apex program
Aces program
Debate team and mock trial
Start an Improv club. I’ve always been good at this and am an avid whose line fan
Maybe Badminton, I love it… or roller blading.
I want to intern in:
UMBC for family member? Will this look bad?
Japan… For studio Ghibli. I’m a fan.
Archeological site
Buenas noches todos. Gracias por todo.
K, will taking SatII’s in spansh look bad? What should I take them in.
NEXT: school I am intrested in… I’ll warn you, there is 23!!</p>

<p>Of course, I want to be all about serving and integrating my community, so the hours will occur. Also, I’m gonna try for awards in whatever I fall for, and top grades and test scores. Even before entering my HS, I have been told I am in the top 10.
I am a 13 year old gal.
Please don’t be mean. I just want to send my questions out into the world via internet. No german or yiddish responses either. I don’t undersatndem…Har har.
I want to say some more. Don’t take it as bragging, or asking for pity. I have plenty of friends, but at the same time, I fit out from those who laugh at me or my friends. I honestly don’t give any thought to what people say towards me, and I try to befriend just about anyone. I’m a people person who appears falsely shy to my teachers, and people who don’t know me. Of course, I want to be more open to every one includin evryone in HS…
Boy, I’m even boring my self here. Oh well.
I am a bit in the dumps now also. My science teacher is a bit old and certainly boorriiiingg. This might account for tha zero’s she gave me on like 7 assignments I turned in SEVERAL times. I am temporarilly bolstered. I missed 2 weeks of school because of some family affairs in Uruguay. She utterly brought my 99% to an 89%. It was unfair, but I am coping. One B won’t kill me, eh? Specialy under DA circumstances. I’m nuts now. Exuse me. I am also waiting dilligently for results on 2 english essays. My grades are not even entered for last marking period…

<p>Freshman APEX English 9 APEX bio APEX AP US Government & Politics H algbr 2 H ital 4 H chorus H dig art
Sophmore APEX English 10 H Chemistry APEX AP US history H pre calc H ital 5 H chorus AP Environmental
Junior AP litcomp AP Physics B APEX AP WH AP Calc BC AP Ital Science elective AP 2d,3d Studio
Senior AP lancomp AP Pshycology AP European History AP statistics Pe yoga H chorus AP Drawing
Law Gov Deb Speaking
Visual Arts
Preforming Arts
History Anthrop

<p>I’m not a ■■■■■…</p>



<p>Am I just being obnoxious, or is this not enough? Is my spelling bad, or are my queries silly?</p>

<p>This isn’t enough. I’m sorry.</p>

<p>OK. Thanks… I will take that into consideration as I try to stay away from this oh-so-painful subject for the next 2 years. I’ll still apply though, mark my words…</p>

<p>Just putting some hot topics of my 20 minute mind on file. My trollish thoughts live long!!</p>

<p>LOL. I’ll be sure to laugh at you when you’re rejected because you’re too busy ■■■■■■■■ on CC.</p>

<p>Define ■■■■■■■■. I wanna boast about my trollness.</p>

<p>HP and kr,
Please keep to the topic of this thread or I will close it.</p>

<p>Sorry. Was just trying to point out the obvious. I won’t say anything else.</p>

<p>Just join things you are interested in. You shouldn’t be stressing so much about having a set plan for your four years. Some of the more interesting things one can do are not necessarily those that you plan for.</p>

<p>Well, I am not realy trying to plan my life at all. I just want to see how much it takes. Just to take it into consideration. From what I’ve seen, I’ll end up in a 3rd tier school. Even if I do everything I can…:frowning: But is being a ■■■■■ from Uruguay going to help me at all? Really, what is a ■■■■■. What did I say!!! Sorryyy…</p>


You could try writing your essay about this.</p>


<p>I don’t know whether or not you’re a ■■■■■:</p>

<p>[■■■■■</a> (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“■■■■■_(Internet)]■■■■■”>■■■■■ (slang) - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>But IMO the reason why you’re getting harassed/ignored here is because:</p>

<p>1) You came on very strong in your OP, that tends to turn people off.</p>

<p>2) When mrl (post #16) tried to give you some good advice and reassurance, you got defensive.</p>

<p>I will attempt to answer a couple of your questions and give you some general advice.</p>

<p>1) For ECs, do what genuinely interests you. Colleges would rather see you show commitment to a few interests rather than having a smattering of many. </p>

<p>2) Take a rigorous course schedule and get the best grades you can. The classes you take will be considered within the context of the HS you attend, so don’t compare yourself to everyone here on CC.</p>

<p>3) Take the PSAT your soph year to get a feel for the test and see where you need to do more prep. Try to prep before taking the PSAT jr year and try to take the SAT in the fall or winter of jr year so that you can retest in the spring if necessary. Take SAT IIs following the appropriate coursework, get them out of the way ASAP. For instance, my D2 took AP Bio as a soph and sat the SAT II in June. There’s an excellent sticky thread on self-prepping the SAT on that forum, look for the xiggi method.</p>

<p>4) Contribute in class and get to know your teachers as you will be asking a couple for LORs at the end of jr or beginning of sr year.</p>

<p>5) Do Searches and read sticky threads here on CC, much of what you want to know has been asked and answered many times before. There are also Results threads on many of the individual school forums which give a candidate’s stats, ECs, etc. and their admission decision, these are very informative in giving an idea of what it takes to get into different schools. Also, go to the college websites for schools you’re interested in, they provide much information and most of the answers to nuts and bolts questions about admissions.</p>

<p>6) It does help to be Hispanic/Latino in college admissions. However, not all Hispanics are considered equal, M-A and PR Hispanics are the most under represented in colleges, South Americans less so. There are also other possible factors involved, such as: SES, first gen, type of HS attending, involvement in Hispanic community, etc.</p>

<p>7) In a year or two, have a serious talk with your parents about how much they can afford to pay for your college. Have them go to the College Board website and run the financial aid calculators to get an idea of how much, if any, FA they will qualify for. Go to and read about the cost of college today, and how need based FA and merit scholarships work. Some people also like the book, ‘Paying for College without going Broke’. </p>

<p>8) I recommend reading ‘Admission Matters’ by Sally Springer.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Very civil and comprehensive reply for everyone, ■■■■■■ included. Thanks Entomom!</p>