<p>I'm a freshman at a small LAC, and I've been thinking about transferring since October.</p>
<p>The thing is, now my only issues are social. I have struggled trying to fit into the social scene here, and I haven't made many good friends.. But is that a good enough reason to leave? I have a few problems with my school, but they aren't major, and I think they wouldn't matter as much if I had friends here. Academics are great, the location is good, I don't have too many other major complaints.</p>
<p>Some days, I think I can stick it out here and hope that the social stuff will click. Most days, I'm really upset because even though I try, I can't get people to see and like who I really am. </p>
<p>I know I'm whining. I'm just unsure as to what I should do. I know making friends takes time, and it did take me a bit of time in high school even though I graduated with a huge group of people I consider solid friends for life. But, on the other hand, I don't want to look back and think that I should've transferred now when I had the chance. So if the social stuff still hasn't worked out for me yet, should I transfer, or should I wait another semester and see if things work out?</p>
<p>Do you guys have any stories of your experiences regarding issues similar to mine? Those who transferred, are you glad you did and was assimilating into a new school a smooth transition? To those who didn't transfer, are you glad you stayed?</p>
<p>If it makes you feel any better there are others going through the same stuff. I go to a large public university and feel the same way. I’m looking to transfer for similar reasons as well as I think I want to be closer to home. I’d be interested in hearing what others have eto say about this.</p>
<p>I’m planning to transfer for similar reasons. I go to a large public university and am trying to transfer to a small LAC because it’s really tough for me to meet people here, and the ways that you described yourself also fit me perfectly. It seems like there isn’t necessarily a perfect type of school for finding the most friends, but I’d say that if you aren’t happy where you are and you can go to a school that is comparable or better academically you might as well give it a shot. I’m doing very well academically but I can only imagine having a solid group of friends would only make this even better and make it so much easier to get our there, join clubs, get involved and all that good stuff.</p>
<p>have the same problem myself. If I just had a solid group of friends I wouldn’t be transferring, but for $20,000+ a year everything has to be perfect, that’s my opinion haha. It’s a perfectly good reason to switch, you shouldn’t waste the next 3 years of your life sitting in your dorm room or in the library studying all the time and being miserable. I go to a small private university and haven’t been able to find my niche here. In my case I feel my academics are suffering because I have no social life. Also I had the same mind set in October, I said I’ll finish the first semester and things will change the second semester, but they haven’t nor are they going to. I’m not going to look back and say “what if” so I’m taking the opportunity now before it’s too late. Good luck in transferring (if you do
<p>transfer292, you sound just like me… that’s exactly my issue. Are you transferring to a big university? </p>
<p>If anyone has gone through this, i’d love to hear stories of your experience! I just don’t know what to do.</p>
<p>anotherkid umm I’m thinking of going to SUNY Albany, but that’s the only big university. rest are small private schools</p>
<p>and you’re definitely leaving? gosh I’m so jealous that you’ve made up your mind. when did you decide to make a change?</p>
<p>anotherkid haha I’ve had my mind made up since the first day of class (September 5th) I just didn’t act on it until November then everything in at the end of january. Basically when I visited my friend and realized how incredible college is and that I’m missing out. Most likely I’m not gonna go to albany and go to a small sized school. I’ve been accepted everywhere I applied just waiting on money :(</p>
<p>yeah money is definitely an issue, especially since it’s hard to get any as a transfer student.</p>
<p>Did you just not fit into the social environment of your current school? because that’s my problem-- I’ve met plenty of people, I just can’t find my niche here. I can’t find people I enjoy hanging out with, nor can I find a club or organization I’m passionate about and can be part of. But I like the idea of a small school, I’m just worried that I’ll personally run into the same issues if I transfer to another small LAC.</p>
<p>damn good to know I’m not the only one hah…</p>
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<p>another kid yea I’ve met people but no one I really connect with. I’m down to my last school waiting on money from them I have a friend there already and have made friends with their friends so I knowI won’t have a social problem there. And there are barely any clubs where I am; it’s essentially a suitcase school. Besides I never wanted to go to my current university my parents pushed me into it, but not this time around
Even if I didn’t know anyone, wherever I’d switch to I know would be much better socially.</p>
<p>My question is… how would transferring to another university solve your problem? I have lots of friends from lots of colleges, and in my experience it is possible to struggle socially no matter where you are… that it comes down to you, not the school you attend. If the academics are strong and your future is not being limited, I would think twice about transferring. Even at a large public, I have managed to find people who are “just like me” – you just have to look hard enough.</p>
<p>thanks, but I’m 100% sure this switch is the best for me. I am not wasting ny more money at my current university and my academics will increase significantly. I have searched, joined clubs, intramural sports and walked around the dorm and there has been no success. I’m not waiting another year and the time to act is now. I won’t be content with anything else but what I want. This decision is not as of recent since the first day of class I have been searching and visiting other colleges, I know what’s best for me and that’s what I’m gonna do.</p>
<p>I think not clicking with the social scene is a more than fair reason to want to transfer. I would just make sure you know what you’re looking for in your transfer school and make sure it meets your needs before applying. Visit and look up some student reviews because I would hate for you to repeat the same experience.</p>
<p>Best of luck,
thanks! I’ve visited the school twice and it definitely has everything I want. Besides the social scene it offers courses I want to take etc. all the same stuff haha<br>
Still waiting on my financial aid though…</p>