Good SAT books?

<p>I'm looking for good sat books with a lot of practice in them. From effective practice questions to good practice tests.
I have CB blue book but I finished the 8 tests in there so I'm in search for some more. </p>

<p>Does anyone have suggestions? I'm thinking Princeton Review but thats just because I trust the brand. I know that people say not to use practice questions outside of the ones that college board makes, but they just don't make enough</p>

<p>So any suggestions at all would be helpful, thank you</p>

<p>If you're REEEEEALLLLLY desperate for practice tests, you should use PR's 11. It's as close as you'll get to the SAT flavor of questions.</p>

<p>Online Course has 6 tests made by CB.</p>

<p>As far as practice tests go, I would really only use those made by the CB. Obviously the questions in those tests prepare you for the SAT much more effectively because they are made by the same guys that make the actual test. So this means the 8 BB tests plus the 6 online tests.</p>

<p>Once you finish all of those, feel free to try others but they can be misleading.</p>

<p>Oh the most accurate tests: QAS.</p>

<p>Second most accurate: Old PSATs.</p>

<p>so you think that it might not be a good idea to use the tests from other books? Because I'm really confused as to what I should do about that. I've gotten so many different responses. Like I understand the concept of only using the real questions from the ppl who make the test, but I don't know what to do once i'm done with them. And i'm reeeaally confused, because I don't want to use questions that wont help me, but I feel like it might be better then doing no questions.</p>

<p>how do i get QAS tests/answers?</p>

<p>and are the 6 online different from the ones in the book, and how much do they cost?</p>

<p>Thank you soo much for all the help, everyone. </p>

<p>If I get desperate I'll get the 11 frm PR but i don't know if itd be helpful get desperate. . .</p>

<p>Barron's was of INCREDIBLE help to me. I read this book for 3 months straight and scored 2300 on my first try. The math examples are wonderful (theres at least 100 pages of math tricks alone). The practice tests are definitely harder than the actual SAT, but then you go into the SAT feeling more than prepared!</p>

<p>Has anyone ever felt like they were screwed up by using a book that was not CB?</p>

<p>Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but is the BB book the CB book, that is the collegeboard's official SAT study guide with 8 practise tests?</p>

<p>And also what are people's thoughts on kaplan's tests - too difficult, too easy or fairly accurate?</p>

<p>About QAS (im assuming it means questions and answers) - are they written and published by the collegeboard? Are they practise or past QAS? And how do I get them? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>CollegeBoard online course</p>

<p>what Barron's book is it? like just the new edition of the SAT book?</p>

<p>I think he's addressing "SAT 2400 - Aiming for a perfect score"?</p>

<p>You are doing some pretty intense prep. Make sure to have some fun along the way. Your motivation is what will ultimately help you to succeed, regardless of which college you get into; and, clearly, you are very motivated.</p>

<li>OC </li>
<li>Free Practice Tests</li>
<li>Old QAS</li>
<li>Old PSATs</li>

<p>you won’t need more practice if you do all of these.</p>

<p>here is a page on [good</a> sat books](<a href=“]good”></p>