<p>Sorry if this thread has already been discussed. </p>
<p>I was wondering which book(s) have the best and most realistic practice SAT tests. I tried Princeton Review's "11 Practice Tests" and found them to be quite different than the practice tests of the College Board book. They didn't seem that realistic to me.</p>
<p>Can anyone recommend any good books where the tests are realistic and helpful?</p>
<p>between the BB and the 2 pdf tests from collegeboard you have 10 practice tests, which should be MORE than enough to get you that score you need.</p>
<p>Blue Book, the one made by the collegeboard that has those 8 real sats. </p>
<p>Does anyone know what PI stands for? (it was mentioned on a research thread)</p>
<p>If you really are desperate for more practice, buy some PSAT's off the collegeboard's store. They're 3 bucks each. If that's not enough, sign up for the QAS service by the collegeboard when you take an SAT.</p>
<p>If you REALLY want more tests, sign up for CollegeBoard's online thing. The tests there are pretty helpful; I initially thought 7(?) more tests would be a tad superfluous, but now I attribute my high score to this extra practice.</p>