<p>I realized that now. I emailed the colleges to see if they allowed the stacking of scholarship because if not I will change my options. I contacted all the admissions office of the latest realistic list I provided for more information and hopefully will get an answer back in the next few days. </p>
<p>you may not have asked the right question. u need to know if they allow you to stack merit scholarships and institutional grants, so that your family contribution will be covered. the issue is the institutional grants. grants and scholarships are not the same.</p>
<p>Ok once they reply i will reword my question</p>
<p>As mom2collegekids pointed out there are 2 issues at play. One is stacking of scholarships. Some schools will allow a student to add departmental scholarships on top of admission scholarships. Others won’t. Some schools swap out scholarships. That is what stacking refers to. The other question is whether or not scholarships impact the FA package by reducing institutional grants. The answer to this question is normally going to be yes.</p>
<p>Oh so the question is whether or not the fact that I receive merit scholarships reduce my financial aid</p>
<p>It’s HOW do merit scholarships reduce aid also.</p>
<p>So whether or not and how…do you recommend instead of emailing I just call the admissions office?</p>
<p>The financial aid office would be the place to call, I would think. Admissions does not handle this.</p>
<p>Yes but they meet 100% of need. @thumper1 @shockwave457.</p>
<p>What do you mean?</p>
<p>@collegebound752 How does meeting a 100% of need matter when his parents are only willing to contribute $1000. His EFC is going to be significantly more than that and his parents are not going to fill the gap between “need” and paying for his EFC.</p>
<p>College bound…to what are you referring?</p>
<p>Probably to Louisiana tech (full ride) and Temple (full tuition plus 12000 stipend)</p>
<p>I don’t think you are reading the Temple scholarship correctly. It is not $12000 to use as you want, but $4000 each summer for specific programs (research, study abroad). Also, I don’t think the top level of 100% tuition is guaranteed for all who meet the requirements. I might be wrong, but it looks like IF you are awarded the ‘President’ you get XXX, or the Provost you get ZZZ, but not everyone gets those just because they meet the minimum. Check on that before you put all your eggs in that basket.</p>
<p>Temple eliminated 7 sports and the related scholarships this year. I don’t think it has excess money.</p>
<p>@Mom2aphysicsgeek, read the OP’s original post. OP asked for schools that give out great aid. I suggested Bowdoin. Trying to help. Thank you.</p>
<p>Collegebound…the OP is searching for MERIT awards…and Bowdoin doesn’t give any merit aid.</p>
<p>Posted by the OP on July 3</p>
<p>My dad makes about 79k a year. My mom doesn’t work. They can’t really pay for it so they are hoping I get a merit based scholarship to pay off my college bill. I know I won’t get full aid because he makes 79k which is why I am hoping to get a merit based scholarship. How hard is it to get one? Also I want to go to a good college but also with a scholarship. I know its difficult but not impossible but I was hoping for some suggestions.</p>
<p>Please don’t fight</p>
<p>By the way I am completing the NPCs but some ask you if you are a student or parent… does it matter which one you choose or not?</p>
<p>It seems the best fit financially is FIU Presidential Scholarship. What is wrong with that? Particularly since you indicated you have a past relationship with someone at the school. </p>
<p>Minor quibble… Bowdoin does give merit aid, but only to National Merit Scholars who have indicated that Bowdoin is their first choice school. Yes, I know that this will not help OP.</p>