Good summer programs?

<p>I'm looking for summer programs to do. I pretty much enjoy everything, though I'm not too keen on science and math (even though I'm 2 grade levels ahead in math). I also want to do a program that would look good on a college app (I want to get into HSPY schools). I'm a rising sophomore and I live around the DC area if that helps.</p>

<p>I already have GMIF (George Mason Institute of Forensics) summer program on my list.</p>



<p>That is, of course, not the reason you should be interested in participating in a summer program. Universities despise that mentality, I think–you should be doing a program for your own educational benefit, personal development/experience/enjoyment, etc.</p>

<p>You’re a bit late on the summer program bus, at any rate; all the “prestigious” programs’ deadlines have passed. Fortunately, you’re only a rising sophomore, which means that the next two summers are the most important and you need to get started looking in December/January, not asking around in April.</p>

<p>Go for programs that are free, not summer classes at an Ivy League/other top-name college, as those will cost an extravagant amount of money. You can get excellent experience doing an internship (there are many of these, but you need to start looking early) or even just working/volunteering over the summer. The latter is certainly something you should explore for this summer, as is taking additional academic courses at a local college.</p>

<p>most programs are for rising-seniors anyways… go have fun. don’t do things that you don’t want just for college…</p>