Good teacher/teachers to avoid

<p>I'm a incoming studio art major. I am considering double majoring in maybe Anthropology or Psychology.
If anyone can let me know who some of the really good teachers are and the really bad teachers in these areas, that would be really helpful in signing up for classes.

<p>Just go to</p>

<p>Its legit.</p>

<p>how can a website that lets people rank teachers anonymously be legit?</p>

<p>Because it’s not. For smaller departments, it’s ridiculously skewed; you either go on there to rant, or go on there to lavish praise. </p>

<p>To be honest, for your first year, it doesn’t matter much. As you move through the major, you start to hear about other professors from people who have actually had them. </p>

<p>I can say with confidence that in my two and a half years here, I haven’t used RMP once. I’ve only had two professors I didn’t like.</p>