Google CSSI 2017

CONGRATS TO YOU ALL GETTING IN. For those of you who haven’t received anything, I’d suggest you just wait a bit, I’m confident, the Google CSSI team will get back to you all VERY SOON. Don’t give up yet!

the guy left me a voicemail and said emails would be going out with full information tonight or tomorrow

Got the call an hour ago from Mountain View for the day camp :slight_smile:

Information for all applicants or just accepted ones?

Seattle CSSI residential camp! But it overlaps with another camp I reallllly want to do. So I am freaking out.

Has anyone received anything for NY?

Anything from the Chicago session yet?

@ljluzjvert not yet

Accepted for the Seattle camp… no scholarship though! But I’m super excited either way. We should start a Seattle Facebook Group soon!

Any word from their New York sight? I applied for both the scholarship and CSSI. Really nervous :((

I’m SOO HAPPY for all of you that have received the Scholarship and gotten into a camp!! I’m a little nervous about getting in because I live closest to the Los Angeles camp, and I put that in the application, but it’s too far to commute to everyday, so I just assumed that I would be accepted to a residential, Seattle or Cambridge, if I was chosen. I really hope that I didn’t mess up my chance of being accepted!! Did anyone else mark the camp closest to them even if it was too far to commute to everyday? Those of you that were accepted to Residential programs, did you mark other locations??

@Lyssillic you put the one closest regardless of distance. im pretty sure you’d be considered for the seattle session

@Dartmouth_21 Okay, thanks! I was pretty sure that’s what I was supposed to do, I was just a little nervous about it. The anticipation is driving me insane! Still hopeful though!

@Lyssillic i had the same concern, don’t worry!

i’m worried that they never received my application because i never received an email saying that my application was complete back when i submitted it. did any of you who already got your decision not get this confirmation email as well? i really wanted to attend but i still haven’t gotten a decision yet : /

@spiciestmemelord We are in the same situation. No, my daughter hasn’t heard anything back either. I’m not convinced her application was ever truly submitted. Our plan is to pay attention to college confidential and when it appears that most people here have received their decisions (yes or no), then we will contact google again. If the application truly was never submitted, we will provide feedback. In fact, even if my kid’s application WAS processed, we will provide feedback in the hopes that they fix the glitch that caused her to NOT receive a confirmation email. It is kinda problematic for an applicant portal designed and managed by GOOGLE to have this sort of glitch.

Note that she DID get the confirmation that her reference was received (references were required for the scholarship application).

S received a voicemail message yesterday, he was accepted into the camp! Didn’t mention location but we are closest to Los Angeles, so I assume he will attend there. He did receive an email confirmation (automated) thanking him for submitting his application about a day after completing the application and also a confirmation that his recommendation was received.

S had not noticed automated confirmation, but found it after going through his email.

Good Luck to everyone!

BTW he is considered URM - Hispanic

I got into the camp. I didn’t get a confirmation email. But I did get confirmation that my recommendation was received

@sweatearl Congratulations! And thanks for the info about no confirmation email. That’s encouraging!

this is the link to the portal given in the confirmation email; if it says completed, then the app was received.