<p>Hey guys, I made a map last year of some relevant stuff around the Boston area -- stores, pharmacies, malls, parking locations, entertainment -- and how to get there on the T. I thought I'd share it again this year.</p>
<p>Boston-area</a> stores - Google Maps</p>
<p>Let me know if there's anything else I should include.</p>
<p>This is awesome Mollie - thank you :)</p>
<p>Just a reminder that this map exists, as you now may be looking for things in the Boston area.</p>
<p>:D Mollie, you put in all those parking garages that most frosh have no reason to care about, but you left out Mary Chung’s, Royal East, Economy Hardware, and all of Chinatown?
I guess you didn’t put in many restaurants - though if you’re going to put in the North End, you should put in Chinatown too - but I would say that Economy Hardware (in Central) should be there, as should the local Home Depots. Possibly also W20 and the IS&T building.</p>
<p>Dude, parents care about these sorts of things.
Frosh parents especially, because they have not necessarily learned yet that they should not bring cars to Boston.</p>
<p>I put things I like shopping for on there: school supplies and shoes. And anything you can buy at Target. :P</p>
<p>I should put more restaurants, though.</p>
<p>Great list man.</p>
<p>I had my MIT interview today… I hope I get a chance to take advantage of your nice map :D</p>