Got a 26 on my ACT :( , any chance for A&M-College Station?

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>So I live in Texas as a junior in high school and I'am planning to attend Texas A&M university at College Station. Currently i'm in top 12% of my class but i'm really hoping (fingers crossed) that I might be able to make top 10% by my senior year. If I'm in top 10% then I can get a auto admission to A&M but just in case if I don't (I hope not), a 26 on my ACT with writing scored not available yet any good?
I got a 19 in English, I know it sucks >;(
29 in Maths
29 in Reading
25 in Science
I also gave the writing test but the scores for that are not available yet. I though I did good and was hoping for a 28-30 score range but I guess that I was wrong. I will apply for Engineering major btw.
Any advice or suggestions are appreciated, my score really made me angry and sad but I'm still trying my hardest to try and get into Texas A&M.</p>

<p>Thank you all in advance.</p>

<p>Since it appears that Science is your lowest score, I would suggest taking the SAT since it doesn’t include Science. Also, I would wait to send any scores to A&M until you get one you’re happy with. It will cost you a few dollars to send it later, but that way they don’t see your lower scores. Good Luck!!</p>

<p>Isn’t English my lowest score? I think all of them are out of 36 but feel free to correct me if i’m wrong. I took the SAT but I did awful on it, worse then my ACT. I’m a pretty smart and bright student and pass my classes with mostly A’s and a couple B’s maybe but I’m really bad at taking tests, mainly these standardized test. </p>

<p>@83aggie‌ </p>

<p>Im sorry, I was just looking at the three scores, Reading, Math and Science. I understand; often those who are the brightest are the worst test takers, especially standardized tests. Since you most likely know the material as evident by your grades, maybe seek help with test taking skills. There are programs/classes that teach you how to take the tests.
As far as that score being high enough, admission criteria changes each year depending on applicant pool and major. I do know that engineering is very competitive at A&M. If you can get your composite up to a 30 that would also get you in as long as you are top 25% which you most certainly will be.
I wish you the very best!</p>

<p>@83aggie‌ Yes I will surely take your advice into consideration. Thanks a lot and have a great day!</p>

<p>I would try a review course (whether in person or online) they have free ones at khan academy <a href=“SAT | Test prep | Khan Academy”>;/a&gt; and by section as well - search the site & find what you need. Good luck!</p>

<p>April the first day the application opens up on apply Texas. They actually keep track. That’s why I got a full ride because they said I was the very first application that they received. Also do great on those essays. Trust me being the first to apply literally sets you apart from the rest. </p>

<p>Top 10% has to be at time of application, not into Senior year…we just dealt with that ourselves.</p>

<p>@Torveaux‌ I will be applying in my senior year so I hope that by the time I apply, i’m in top 10%.</p>

<p>My understanding was top 10% / 25% cutoff is now end of junior year grades (beginning of senior year status) since applications are due Dec 1, prior to the first grading period is over senior year. The old due date was in January so you did get one grading period in senior year & could revise your file with that information - unfortunately that is no longer the case (this past year is the first Dec 1 cut off group). They will however, accept updated test results until Dec 1- so keep trying retakes of SAT/ACT up to November senior year to reach the academic admit scores. </p>

<p>@AGmomx2‌ Oh, i’m kind of scared now that I might not be able to make top 10% by the end of this year but I will have to confirm the cut off date with my counselor because I am taking AP’s and DC classes my senior year which will definately bump up my GPA. </p>

<p>@Ramish you are wise to double check any information. Let us know what they tell you.</p>

<p>@AGmomx2‌ Will do!</p>

<p>@AGmomx2 The cut off date for school rankings for us is at the end of 1st semester of the senior year but the college i’m applying takes the rank that i’m gonna have at the end of junior year. So i’m not sure if thats the same case for you guys but I think that it mostly depends on the college you’re applying to. </p>