<p>I applied to pitt on 9/23 to the business school in order to major in Accounting. My overall gpa is a 3.5 out of 4.0. I am in National Honors Society at my school and my SATs were an 1180/1770, which I improved by 100 points from my original 1670. Pitt is by far my #1 choice. I also got accepted to WVU and Bloomsburg and applied to Temple. I am definitely considering Temple and WVU but it is obvious that Pitt has a better business school. Do you think it would be worth it for me to wait and send in the additional essay and possibly take the ACT to increase my chances? Or are Temple and WVU still considered pretty good schools for business? Does anyone know how long it might actually take for Pitt to get back to me if it might be anytime before April 1? Thank you!</p>
<p>ksimko- I actually think that Temple’s Fox School of Business is more well known than Pitt’s- at least here in the Philly area its very well respected. I don’t know anything about WVU.</p>
<p>ksimko28…My daughter was deferred from the College of Arts and Science with almost identical stats (3.6 gpa and 1200/1840 SAT). She already asked the professor teaching the college course she is taking to write a letter to Pitt on her behalf. She is going to send in her semester grades (so far, so good) and probably write the essay.</p>
<p>Beyond that, there is not much else you can do. I would go ahead and pursue Pitt if you really want it. It won’t take too much work, and if you don’t, you might always wonder if you could have gotten in. What stinks is the waiting. Hopefully, you might hear after semester grades are submitted. That would be Jan-Feb., depending on your high school’s schedule. </p>
<p>Best of luck! We can all update everyone on this board, so we know if any deferred candidates have been accepted.</p>
<p>kisimko- you might also consider the Drexel LeBow college of business.</p>
<p>Here is one ranking of B-schools <a href=“Bloomberg - Are you a robot?”>Bloomberg - Are you a robot?;
<p>I’d try taking the ACT’s. I think it is more likely your SAT scores than your grades holding you back.</p>
<p>You should get into Temple with your stats. I too am a Philly mom and think Temple is well respected with a great campus in the city. </p>
<p>Best of Luck to you.</p>
<p>Try setting up an interview if at all possible! Show Pitt that you love Pitt, I was deffered, and after my interview I got an acceptance letter a week later!</p>
<p>Good news guys I switched to undecided and was accepted!</p>
<p>Congratulations ksimko!</p>