Got Irvine Regents but waitlisted by UC Davis. What does this mean for UCLA or UCB?

Title says it all. Applied in Computer Science.

When did you get your Irvine Regents invite? I thought they released their Regents invites with their decisions in April?

March 6th

Are you a transfer student or a freshman?

I’m a freshman

Computer Science is highly competitive and each UC determines whom they want and fits for their campus. A waitlist at one campus or Regents at another does not predict your chances anywhere else. You still have a chance at UCLA or UCB and you should know within in the next few weeks. In the meantime, congratulations on UCI.

this is kindve my situation. i want uci but waitlist at davis.

is davis known to be a weird outlier

because irvine regents and waitlist davis is rly weird

UCD is known for selecting not the most obvious applicants and will consider essays and EC’s more than some other UC campuses. I really believe that they look for “fit” based on their criteria. There are no guarantees that a competitive applicant will get into every UC. UC admissions in general can be very unpredictable.

Best of luck and please update with your other decisions.