Got Rejected

<p>So.. anyone else get rejected?</p>

<p>what were your stats?</p>

<p>I’m off to bed soon so I can’t gather a full list of my stats, but my SAT I was 2100, and I took 5 SAT II’s (2c, bio, us history, chinese, chem) with 700+ scores, none reaching 800. I took 6 APs total (three 5’s, three 4’s). But my GPA was probably the determining factor- 3.62 UW. </p>

<p>I thought that my EC’s were good enough to balance my GPA out- I won some statewide and international prizes in piano, led a team to win Semifinalist in Siemens, and had large roles in community service. This helped me get into UCLA.</p>

<p>Does HMC largely discount extracurriculars? I’m pretty nervous as this is the first admissions letter I’ve received from private colleges.</p>

<p>Edit: I did not do an interview. Did this hurt me?</p>

<p>Here’s my guess - HMC has a reputation of being incredibly rigorous. So perhaps upon seeing your GPA, the admissions staff questioned your ability to survive in the academic environment there. Not to say you can’t, obviously, but just trying to guess their reasoning. So basically, yes, they would have put more weight on your numbers than your ECs, because they may have been more concerned with how you’d take the work in class at Mudd than what you’d contribute outside of class.</p>

<p>Again, not making any judgment on you, I don’t know you! But for the purposes of trying to figure out what caused this, and why your ECs seemed largely ignored, perhaps that could be an explanation. Sucks, mate, better luck with the rest of your decisions, and congrats on UCLA!</p>

<p>Thanks for your fast and reassuring response braden. I’m off to bed (hopefully I can sleep better now).</p>

<p>Sorry about your rejection :(</p>

<p>If you are interested in how important various parts of the application are to Mudd, you can go here: [College</a> Search - Find colleges and universities by major, location, type, more.](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>

<p>Look under “Admission Policies and Factors”</p>