Gotcha Harvard?

<p>What are my chances of getting in? </p>

<p>A's in all classes
SAT - 740 - v 750 - m (no problem getting the same on the new one)
SAT II's - 780 writing 800 math IIC 780 chemistry
APs - 8 5's and 1 4 ---- Calc BC, AB Bio Stats Englishes US Euro ..... the 4 was in Chem
I'm taking modern algebra and number theory through Stanford (I finished Calc III Linear Algebra and Modern Logic)
I'm going to graduate from my community college at the same time as from high school</p>

Model UN best delegate twice, team captain 3 years
Scholastic Bowl region highest scorer, captain 3 years
AP scholar with distinction, maybe state this year
We the people 2nd place team in state, captain
State qualifier in science competition
Baseball for 2 years
All the general bullcrap too (NHS etc......)</p>

Spent two summers at Northwestern
Took advanced chemistry one summer (before NU)
Took differential equations the other (before NU)</p>

<p>I'm white</p>

<p>I figure I can write well enough to have decent essays, so what are the chances?</p>

<p>Looks like you've got as good a chance as anyone, it's a crapshoot, bro. But I have a question, how are you taking classes through stanford if you live in Illinois?</p>

<p>EPGY internet</p>

<p>again, arent you already going to Yale? You have this same post on the Princeton board....and yet it seems like you are going to yale....</p>

<p>sorry i blew your cover!!!</p>

<p>How is EPGY compared to community college classes and AP classes?:</p>

<p>You have a chance like everyone else, but it's a crapshoot like iv4me said.</p>

<p>You have as good of a shot as anyone.</p>

<p>The only weakness that the adcoms might look see is that you don't seem to have a passion for any specific area. ie, you seem to be pretty advanced in math, but is that your passion? Do you have competitions/other activities that reflect that?</p>

<p>Other than that, pretty good chances.</p>

<p>HHAHAHH my bad.</p>

<p>I didn't realize you're an 09 Yalie. ;)</p>

<p>Perhaps he's suffering from "buyers remorse" at this point.</p>

<p>not at all</p>

<p>Perhaps he's suffering from "buyers remorse" at this point.</p>

<p>LMAO, he probably is</p>