<p>I'm a senior in High School right now,
and I have been sick for a year, more mental disease.
Due to this, I have failed most of my courses in my junior year, and transferred to other school. My old school was an art school which ended around 5, and my current school is a independent program which offers a research based courses.
Because of new medications,I have been doing well this year and I'm trying to apply for these schools. My intended major is music (piano), and I wonder if I should try to apply or not.
My grades will go up since I will make up the classes in the spring.
I will be explaining in my essays, but I am very frustrated with myself.
I'm posting this on many other forums. Sorry about that!</p>
<p>Not to put you down or anything, but how good are you at piano?
In order to get into Eastman, you just can’t be “very good” or “great”… You would seriously need to be absolutely amazing at piano to get in. Eastman is one of the premier music schools in the world and they don’t just accept anybody.
What is your intended path after school? Do you want to teach? If so, why don’t you look at smaller music schools like Ithaca or West Chester?</p>