GPA 3.0 (9-12) any possibility? with Peabody.

<p>I'm a senior in High School right now,
and I have been sick for a year, more mental disease.
Due to this, I have failed most of my courses in my junior year, and transferred to other school. My old school was an art school which ended around 5, and my current school is a independent program which offers a research based courses.
Because of new medications,I have been doing well this year and I'm trying to apply for these schools. My intended major is music (piano), and I wonder if I should try to apply or not. My grades will go up since I will make up the classes in the spring.
I will be explaining in my essays, but I am very frustrated with myself
I applied as double...</p>

<p>don’t mean to get you down, you should still apply but I wouldn’t be too optimistic</p>

<p>Just to clarify, if you intended major is music, then you’ll be applying directly to the Peabody Conservatory and not to the School of Arts and Sciences or Engineering. As for admissions chances, I have no idea how Peabody admissions work, but I’m betting that your auditions are a pretty major component</p>

<p>As a parent, I am wondering if a gap year might be appropriate. I would be very concerned that being under so many new stresses of college might cause some setbacks and there will be no one there who has a connection with you to see that happening. while I certainly don’t know the specifics, I might push for you to consider a PG year at an outstanding prep school where you can improve your grades further, pursue your music and have some independence, while still watchful.</p>

<p>My first gut reaction to your post is to encourage you to put your mental health needs at the forefront for another year. Slow and steady wins the race.</p>

<p>Thanks, I already took a year of… kind of. Because I couldn’t sleep properly. However, I have improved a lot with my new medications, and I already applied to peabody. It is a double degree program.</p>

<p>I applied to the double degree program as well and I’m fairly sure that the Peabody, JHU, and double degree applications had to be in by December 1st. It’s also supposed to be one of the most stressful programs (like Columbia/Julliard) and also one of the most selective (they take about 5 people (transfers and undergrad) per year). I know for selection, it is based on your rankings at both JHU and Peabody and unfortunately with a 3.0 GPA, it is going to be difficult to show yourself as a strong contender. I would agree with Modadunn that a gap year/prep school might be helpful, but I’m really not sure. Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks, I’ve already submitted my essay…
I’m not really stressed about it though. You play bassoon?
Have you got your pre-screen results yet?</p>