What kind of a college could I get into?
I’m a caucasian female.
Played piano since age 5 and I want to do a dual degree in college with premed.
My AP’s:
9: none
10: AP Euro (3)
11: Calc AB, Physics B, Music Theory, US History
12 (that I want to take): Calc BC, Physics C, Chem, (comp?, bio?, econ?)
Service: 20 hours+1 hour a week every week for like 7.5 months
Current cumulative GPA: 3.41
Who am I kidding. I couldn’t get into John Hopkins. Which really sucks because I wanted to go to Peabody.
What colleges could I get into?
OH one more thing. I wanted to do science research next summer. I don’t know if I’ve been accepted yet, though.
If you’re applying to Peabody, your music and audition are going to be the thing that really matter. I’m nowhere near qualified to judge that. Your GPA is going to be low for places like Hopkins, but not irredeemably so, if you’re applying to the college of music. However, if you want to do med things, then your GPA will hurt you, especially at places like hopkins. Also, it’s hard to gauge any chances without your test scores. Hopkins isn’t impossible, although wanting to do premed will drop your chances. I don’t really have any info on good music programs, but I know there are definitely a lot of good schools that have conservatories or really good music programs, and premed programs you could go to. Good luck, take some tests, try to get your GPA up a little.
I’m currently a junior, but I wanted to prioritize a good premed. program. I’ll take more AP tests in May. I kind of wanted both to be really good.
JHU really is the premier pre med school so you will have an extremely tough time, especially with that gpa. What is your act/sat?
I haven’t taken them yet.
I struggle more because I have a procrastination issue rather than with an issue with my intellectual potential.
Would I have a tough time because of difficult material or the grading curve?
As mentioned above, your GPA might hurt you a little bit, but there’s a chance for you to redeem it with the other aspects of your application. It’s true that the average GPA for a JH accepted applicant is 3.74; however, this means that half of the accepted students have averages below that.
Your GPA is not everything. You have your SAT/ACT/ECs/Essays and so much more!
Since you’re a junior, try to get your number 1 focus towards raising that GPA.
Step 2 would be securing solid SAT 1 and 2 or ACT scores.
Step 3 would be your essays/ECs.
If you do all that, you’ll have a solid chance for JHU.
Good luck!
Be sure not to misspell JohnS Hopkins on your application! 
I disagree with @jinxorchestra . It’s misleading to tell someone that they will have a “solid chance” at JHU and that GPA is “not everything.” The transcript is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the application, and nothing can make up for a bad GPA. If you check out JHU’s CDS, you will see that they list GPA as “very important.”
@bubblepop12444 I understand where you’re going, but to think that a person with a GPA slightly lower than the university’s average will be rejected is also a little bit misleading. The GPA is one of the MOST IMPORTANT part of the application, however, that doesn’t make it the only part of the application. It might hurt to have a low GPA, but you can still get it in regardless, even if we’re talking about JHU.
@jinxorchestra You are terribly misinforming the OP. He/she is NOT getting into Hopkins PREMED.
OP is also not hooked. “I’m a caucasian female.”
LOOK AT THE CDS. The ONLY things that Hopkins lists as “very important” are GPA and recs. The rest, even standardized test scores, are under “important.” Less than 1% of Hopkins class had an unweighted GPA under a 3.5, and EVERY YEAR- 0% under a 3.25. OP has a 3.4 WEIGHTED GPA.
To the OP, I’d recommend that since you are almost a senior, apply to pre-med schools that you stand a chance at. Never bet on a “miracle” to happen. Miracles don’t happen often in the college admissions game.
I’ve heard that my school is weighted. That’s the gpa I find when I go on my student account, but it’s out of 4. What would that do concerning the 3.41?
Also, this is my school’s gpa range vs. letter grade that is near my gpa.
A- 3.666
B+ 3.333
Also, currently, I’m doing badly in my easy classes, and a lot of the grades are from things like a 5 point reading quiz (compare to a 100pt test or essay). I’m better in the difficult classes.
Btw some of you guys are pretty harsh.
What does “hooked” mean?
Hooked means that you are an URM (Hispanic, Black, or Native American), legacy, first generation, or recruited athlete.
Try Lawrence. They have a lot of kids who study music and something else.
Dual degrees can take five years, though, so make sure you really want it and can afford it. Becoming a doctor takes both more time and more money than many other careers.
You need to sign up for SAT or ACT and get some test scores.
@jinxorchestra your stats for jhu’s gpa are quite outdated.
The cds from 3 years ago indicates enrolled freshman had an average gpa of 3.88 below. The current enrolled class now has an average unweighted gpa of 3.92. Keep in mind admitted will be higher.
See class of 2020 enrolled stats:
@stevensPR I usually get my info from PrepScholar cause they’re accurate when it comes to updating their score sheets. Guess that wasn’t the case with Johns Hopkins. Thanks for your comment!