GPA conversion

Does anyone know what’s a 3.4 GPA in the uc’s System calculated into percentage or letter grading?

The UC’s do not expect you to convert your % grades into the 4.0 system, but it will depend upon your HS’s grade ranges. Does your HS give a letter grade conversion for your % such as an A is 93% or higher?

The conversion will be HS dependent.

You could try this conversion chart:

@Gumbymom yes they do, so for example an A is 90% to 95%, 95% and above is A+
Thank you for the link! I’ll try it out now

i should add that the 3.4 is the floor to apply as an OOS applicant. It is really unlikely an applicant with that GPA would be admitted to any UC.

Here’s a link to the freshman class profiles;

good luck