<p>Hey, I've been having some trouble with this GPA deal...
My school gives ours in percent form. I have a 92.9 unweighted and a 95.6 weighted GPA (bound to go up, this year is my best thus far). What is this/how does one calculate this on a 4.0 scale?
Also, do most colleges take the weighted GPA? I would imagine they do, due to the extra work put into honors/AP classes.
<p>A 92.9 is pretty good but you might have easy classes that inflate that. Yes? Doesn't your school give you As and Bs? Usually a 90 is an A (4.0) and an 80 is a B (3.0). Add up your 4s and 3s and then divide it by your number of classes. I guess its around a 3.75-3.8. unweighted.</p>