GPA/Rank get passed first round

<p>Im wondering if I will get rejected in the first read through simply because of GPA/Rank. I have about 3.67 and 17/225. However I had a huge upward trend into Junior year (Ranked 2/225 if based on just Junior Year) and great Sat scores M: 800, V:740. Could everything else in my app make up for this or could I get rejected on just the basis of grades</p>

<p>from the vibe that i get, i think every applicant file gets read first by a senior reader, as in the entire file, and they first sort out whether the file is competitive or not</p>

<p>your GPA/rank isn't stellar, but with strong ec's, and especially strong recs and essays, the senior reader might feel compelled to bring your file into the next round</p>

<p>of course, this is all speculation. first of all, this is what i've heard happens in previous years with applicant files, and this is the process they go through when they are being reviewed. now, there is a new dean of admissions and everything might be completely different, so everything i've just said might be just babble</p>

<p>yeah i have a rank of 34/360. im a junior but if you look at 2nd semester of soph year (when i got good) i would be val. (4.9w! best in class) my rank is so bad though!! i really hope they look past it, but im too normal in everything. i have only one cool different thing-i ran a marathon. wow being on the lower end of the spectrum, plus having a bad rank isnt gonna help. i really doubt i have a chance. oh well. might as well apply.</p>

<p>Well you still have the rest of your junior year to bump up your rank, i'd say two more semesters of being val, you could be in the top 5%. Also start doing some things to make you stand out. It sucks when you start off bad. I had a bad start, but just kind of went overboard and worked myself to death getting good grades and doing tons of ECs to try to make up for it. I spend a lot of time hoping that doing all that work wont be overshadowed because of something a few years ago.</p>