<p>I don't quite understand your GPA system. We just have percentage marks. and we have corresponding levels (that mean nothing.. 1=d, 2=c, 3=b,4=a :P)</p>
<p>Anyways like I see a lot of people with 4.0 and I'm confused how "high" of a mark or how "low" of a mark that is since it seems to also difference fro mschools..</p>
<p>then i also see 5.0 scales and i'm all confused</p>
<p>Well at my school we have percentages and then an A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1
and if you take Honors/Pre-IB then you get an additional point for each letter, and taking AP/IB you get 2 additional points</p>
<p>so our scale is a 6.0 scale
which usually only juniors/seniors get</p>
<p>i'm getting a 5.00 with pre-ib and 2 AP and 1 IB course and one regular 4 point course
if i made all a's I'd have a max of 5.25</p>
<p>wait so you need ib/ap to get even close to 6.0 right? hmm.. why not jus tmake it a grad requirement considering you can't really do much wihtout those two points..
where do the As start? I'm stresing over 1% like 93 compared to 94.. so I think the A system is so much greater</p>
<p>My A's start at 93, yeah you can't do much without the 2 points, but some people aren't willing to do AP/IB because its too hard or what not. So if it were a requirement a lot of people would drop out of school, transfer, or fail miserably.</p>
<p>hmm... true but still they'll get a really low gpa without aps.. anyways I'm a little confused what's below honors?
like in Canada at the gr.12 level there is UNiversity, University/College, College, and Workplace courses... prior to senior grades there's academic, applied, and open courses
like there's ib which I applied for and I got a letter saying welcome blah blah but I ignored it because I got acceptance to another school first because it had a more flashy marketing presentation while IB did basically nothing to explain itself other than its highly prestiegous :p (shows you why the Marketing and ED, EA are so valuable :P )</p>
<p>Well at my school below honors is considered standard or regular level courses. For example, a regular course for 12th grade would be Pre-calc, while an honors course would get up to Calc AB</p>
<p>hmm okay her's what i learn in calc let me know if its precalc</p>
<p>Factor thereom, remander thereom Synthetic division
Derivatives -First, Second, the tests, max/min, concavity, POI, V and H asymptotes
Rational Functions, dev etc.
Related Rates
Implicit Differentiation</p>
<p>oh and some financial applications of marginal rev and what not..
but we don't do integrals, calc or antiderivative ever since gr.13 was jetsoned 2 years ago :@ the government screwed over my chances of admissions :@</p>
<p>Well I'm on the IB track, and I'm a sophomore.
Last year I took Alg2/Trig. and now I'm taking IB Math Methods I which is Pre-calc and maybe some beginning Calc.</p>
<p>I've already learned these from your list of calc material:</p>
<p>Factor thereom, remander thereom, Synthetic division
Derivatives -First, Second, the tests, max/min, concavity, POI, V and H asymptotes
Rational Functions, dev etc.</p>
<p>hmm I'm afraid all my courses are too easy... some of it being my fault (counsellor said to take the easiest courses possible) and some of it is my school's lack of ib or ap options. Even gifted is gone. So i'm missing out :p
but i duno.. anyone know if i'm screwed?</p>
<p>That depends, colleges look at the school you go to and see if you are taking the most rigorous courses possible that you can succeed in, so if you aren't a senior year, I suggest taking some harder courses that you can still make good grades in.</p>
<p>i'm taking the hardest level of courses available. and i'm taking all university courses except in business because the hardest level there is university/college courses. I'll have 3-4 more credits than I require to graduate and go to a university here in Canada but I might not have science courses because its completely unrelated to my field of study. i'm taking more sociology courses which are arguably harder to get a really high mark because of the subjectivity involved. On average except calc I have 13% higher than the class average in my courses</p>
<p>I sortof want to cry because it seems like i'm getting screwed for not going to a private school that I can't afford or somehow learning AP on my own.
i have a 4.0 GPA no courses with marks less than A.. all A+ except calc which is a A (for now heh) I know I'm in the 10% if not hte top 10 in my graduating clas of around 200 and when filling out a app to one unviersity I have like 5 pages of extracurriculars, 2 pages of charity work and 5 pages of awards, a page of work/venture statement, reference letters that are great from a charity's chairman, the president and I have about 5 or or more teacher references to choose from..
but I just know I won't get in because of my courses which is sad :( plus all those places that say 100+ SAT score guaranteed I can't really afford either since they're like 2 grand US so I'm like :S right now.. grrr :@</p>
<p>You're doing great. You're doing the best you can with what you have. Colleges don't expect you to take tons of AP's or what not if your school doesn't offer it.
And don't sweat not going to a private school because most of the time they are the same with public schools except they want your money. I've even heard some private schools are worse than public schools.
You are doing wonderful.</p>
<p>98-100 - 4.0
96-97 - 3.9
94-96 -3.8
92-93 -3.7
90-91 -3.6
89 - 3.5
88 - 3.4
and so on...
honors classes are multiplied by 1.1 and AP and multiplied by 1.2
highest GPA possible is about a 4.3. Less than 10 out of 250 kids have 4.0 or higher</p>