GPA vs. essays

<p>So, for the following schools, how much difference do you think a great essay could make when couple with a good but not great GPA, and good ECs and SATs:</p>


<p>There isn't much that can make up for a poor GPA, especially at brown/swarthmore</p>

<p>It's all relative. How great is great? If it's the best essay in the pool, the poor GPA is a 3.7, good ECs means nat'l awards, and the good SAT is a 2350, you're in hands out.</p>

<p>But if you leave out specifics on any variable (let alone all of them) it'd be impossible to let you know...assuming it's possible even if we know all the facts. :)</p>

<p>Well I'm thinking junior transfer GPA of 3.5, for instance... Sats 1480 + 710 Wr.</p>