GPA VS Test Scores, Published Work, Extracurriculars?

<p>Hey guys. So, first of all here's my academic record-
3.56/5.0 GPA (AP Classes are 5.0, Regular are 4.0)
2360 SAT (800 Math, 800 Writing, 760 CR)
5 on the Computer Science AP, 4 on AP US History AP, 3 on English Composition.</p>

<p>My extracurriculars-
Published work on Lunar Crater Chains via a competition I took second nationally in with a team of 4 others.
Eagle Scout in order of the Arrow.
Won awards for my programming.
AP Scholar.
In Go Club, Astronomy Club, and Ultimate Frisbee Club. I was in debate for two years. I've just started fencing.
Volunteered in Costa Rica for a few weeks
Backpacked through New Mexico, Canoed through the Boundary Waters.</p>

<p>Here's my question. Does my GPA ruin my admissions chances? I've done well in some classes (98 in Computer Science, A in US History, A in Bio, A in Calculus, etc.) and terrible in others (D In 2nd semester of Chem, B in 1st semester, C's in Pre-Cal, etc.). I have good test scores and other things, but I am pulled down by terrible grades. They were mainly caused by my lack of Organization and ADHD, but nonetheless they are there.</p>

<p>I have one school that I am dying to get into: Harvey Mudd. I've emailed faculty, and talked to admissions. I'm applying Early Decision for Computer Science, and I am really anxious. My sister is a Senior there who has done well (Job with Microsoft already.) </p>

<p>Is there any chance of me getting in to Harvey Mudd Early Decision with this GPA, given my extracurriculars and test scores? </p>

<p>If there isn't, is there anything possible I can do? I am taking some of the hardest courses in my school this year and doing much better (All A's), so I might be able to get my GPA up to a 3.6 or maybe even 3.7 by the end of the semester. That doesn't move me out of the 2nd quartile for my school.</p>

<p>What can I possibly do to improve my chances of admission? I really am in love with this school. I've visited 4 times, and have loved it every time. Their honor code, policies, and everything are totally in line with me. But my academic record is sub-par at best for them.</p>

<p>Thank you for helping.</p>