GPA - what do the POINTS tell you?

My senior’s transcript shows (as of the end of his junior year):

Unweighted GPA of 3.1467 with 82 points.
Weighted GPA of 3.6458 with 87.5 points.

Realize having a weighted GPA under 4.0 looks ‘not so great’, but

What do the POINTS reflect to admissions reviewers?

Does a class rank of 22 out of 61 (public school) reflect positive or average?

He always earned A’s in regular classes, so took just about every honors class that was offered in HS.
Earned a B in most, but a fair share of A’s too. (I’m proud of him for challenging himself.)

(FWIW, the one caveat to his grades was Japanese as a foreign language. As if that wasn’t difficult enough, he took the two classes online. The results were the only C and D he’s ever had in his entire school career. (Jap I 78, Jap Ii 66. OUCH!) He plans to address it in his essays or at the comments in CCA.)

Deleted because I misunderstood

If the points are grade points (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0, plus any weighting), then that implies that the unweighted GPA was calculated over approximately 26 grades*, but the weighted GPA was calculated over 24 courses.

*82 / 26 is close to 3.1467, but not exactly, while 87.5 / 24 = 3.645833. Or do you mean that unweighted GPA is 3.4167, since 82 / 24 = 3.416666?

College admission reviewers may or may not be familiar with your high school. However, many colleges which would admit a student with such a GPA would be purely or mostly stats based (GPA, rank, and/or test scores) anyway.

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And so you should.
He’s getting good grades, clearly having to work for them - and motivated to do so.
That deserves at least as much praise and recognition, as a straight-A student for whom all the material might have mostly “come easy”.

That’s depends entirely on your standards. A very solid B / B+ student is “great”, especially if it’s hard-earned! There will be plenty of colleges that will recognize that, and where his commitment to learning will allow him to continue to prosper.

Which means he’ll fall into the 4th or 5th decile, which by definition is average – which is positive (it’s not an either/or question)!

Because, “on average”, we all are!

That looks like a very small public school. Rank of 22 out of 61 is above median, but what that means depends a lot on the school and the academic strength of students it has.