GPA worries? what are my odds with these schools

<p>So basically, I'm starting to narrow down where I will be applying next year. I have good ACT scores (31) and decent EC's (summer jobs, varsity sports, alot of church community service), and have taken one AP class (Language and Composition). My high school is the #1 ranked public school in Illinois, besides AP's every class offered is honors. BUT THE BIG KILLER: my gpa is low, only about a 3.6 weighted (out of 5). I will be able to raise it a little bit this current semester. </p>

<p>So my main question is, if I apply to:</p>

<p>University of Georgia
University of Mississippi
Miami University (Ohio)

<p>do y'all think i will get in to at least one of these schools?</p>

<p>P.S. I am a white male</p>


<p>You should get into all of them.</p>

<p>there is a chance thread. post there for more responses</p>

<p>And add what your home state is. For some of those schools state residency matters (Very important for Clemson).</p>

<p>Your weighted GPA is a 3.6 out of 5? Do you mean out of 4.0 plus weighted?</p>

<p>University of Georgia
University of Mississippi
Miami University (Ohio)

<p>Most of those are public U’s. They will not give you financial aid. Can you afford their out of state costs? How much can your parents contribute each year towards your education?</p>