I got a 3.8 out of 4.0 GPA for freshman year
I got a 3.78 overall out of 4.0 GPA for sophomore year
For my first semster of my junior, I got a 3.78 out of 4.5 GPA…
I’m an international student. I do a lot of extracirriculars & my test scores aren’t that bad at all
Do you think I have a chance at Ivy Leagues?
Thank you!

Do you have a class rank? Why did the scale for your GPA change from 4.0 to 4.5? Are these weighted or unweighted GPAs? What is your overall (cumulative) GPA? What are your test scores? Do you need financial aid?

I go to an IB school. 4.0 was max when i was in sophomore year but when i moved into IB DP, 4.2 or 4.5 became the max. I’m not applying for financial aid. My test scores are around 2100~2200 for SAT.

There’s not much ~chancing~ that can be done with the info you’ve given, especially because all schools calculate GPA slightly differently.

You could take a look at the Chances forum and see how other prospective applicants measure up, or you can check out the forums for each school and look through their results thread. Compare yourself and make your own judgments. There’s no guarantee that you have no chance and there’s no guarantee that you’ll get in.