
<p>I go to a non-us school, and I just saw that my counseller estimated by GPA as 3.7, and that i'm 49/160 in my year, the thing is my school places us basically in the top 1 percent of my state, so while I am in the top 40%ish of my school, im in the top 1% of my state... that and my trial marks which is my estimated results are all in the 80s... </p>

<p>Does anyone know how USC will look at this? because we dont get our final results until december, so I would have to submit my application and THEN sumbit my final results... aiming for the dec 1 deadline.</p>

<p>If other students from your school have applied to USC in the past, don’t worry, USC will know your school profile and will evaluate your application appropriately. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>