Grad School in Tel Aviv

Hey guys,

I’d love to do my graduate degree in Tel Aviv. I have been planning to do so for a while now, yet with the Trump-Iran situation rn I don’t know if it will be too dangerous.
Has anyone of you guys been to Tel Aviv (as a tourist/ living there/ maybe even studying at that university) during times of regional unrest?
Are there any Israelis on here or people who know the region well who would like to say whether it is safe to go rn?
I’d be planning to go for a bit more than a year starting in October this year. I am particularly concerned about spending time there during US presidential election campaigns because I figured it might get heated again during that time.

Any advice/ experience?
Thank you so much in advance!

Yes, it’s safe. There have been a few rockets fired towards Tel Aviv from Gaza, but they didn’t cause any damage. Even in the cities the rockets reach they usually cause a lot of disruption and tenseness but few casualties. Iran or the U.S elections have almost nothing to do with it and are not likely to cause any major conflict. So you’ll run a lot more risk driving on a highway in the U.S. than walking around in Tel Aviv.

As someone who’s lived in the U.S. and Tel Aviv, I believe you will be fine. Many times I feel more safe in Israel with how well guarded the country is. It is full of great career opportunities and mostly everyone speaks english. Good luck to you!

Tel Aviv is pretty safe. Are you looking to do your graduate degree at Tel Aviv University? If so, what field? Also, why Tel Aviv?

I did a MSc at Hebrew University many years ago, BTW.

My S2 did his graduate degree at TAU in Political Science with a concentration in Security and Diplomacy. He was not there during a period of unrest but my D did a legal internship there in the summer of 2014 when rockets were being intercepted by Iron Dome regularly over Tel Aviv. If you live there you will learn to live with the uncertainty and the location of the appropriate shelters. Neither would give up their experience of living and learning there.