Grad school opinions: University of Texas-Austin, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, North Texas, or Purdue Univ

Hi all. This is my first post. Unfortunately, I made the fatal mistake of getting an Aerospace Engineering degree from a Diploma mill school in 2013. 4 years later and I have yet to get an Aerospace engineering job so my degree is now obsolete at this point.
I’m looking at using the remainder of my GI Bill benefits to go to grad school and fix my situation in Texas. Luckily I have had engineering job experience in oil industry and software industry where I’m currently at.
Which of the following universities have great job prospects: University of Texas-Austin, Texas A&M, Texas Tech Univ, North Texas. If Purdue is worth it, I could chance it but I won’t get in state prices as a Texas resident.
I liked Texas A&M, very close knit community but I work in Austin and love it here too.
I am looking for Computer Science or possibly Computer Engineering as a major.
Thank you for your time.

A colleague of mine mentioned the Colorado School of Mines but I’m trying to stay in Texas. I could go over there if the prospects are good though

Texas and Texas A&M are your best bets. I’m an Aggie engineering graduate (ME), and I know A&M has an excellent placement center. Also, A&M would be more military friendly than UT.

Thank you! I hope you are enjoying your time there. I did a short certificate program there and I loved the vibe.

What are my chances if my undergrad university is not a top school at TAMU? Should I pursue an undergrad if I can’t get grad school?

You should reach out to the graduate advisor of the department you’re targeting. They can give you the best advice.

Yes, just sent them an email. Thanks!

Hate to revive this post but I have not received any emails back from the admissions office of UT or Texas A&M. I googled and read that recently both these schools are looking to diversify their student population with veterans. I am wondering if this will help me out when applying for grad school. I’m very tempted to do another bachelor’s if I do not get accepted.

GRE scores are going to be important for you. Have you taken that yet?

I’d add UT Dallas
and UT San Antonio
to your list.

UT Austin is your best bet, but it’s very hard to get into unless you have super competitive grades. Same with A&M. If you have experience in the oil/gas industry, the University of Houston is probably prime beef.