Grade deflation

<p>I have found they won’t take credit from community colleges (even if they are 4 year) and random local universities. Definitely make sure you check before taking the course-- the university has to be approved by the head of the department.</p>

<p>For transfer credit, you might have some luck if you ***** at them long enough. They rejected all the classes I submitted for approval with respect to study abroad, but I got them to accept everything after a dozen some emails and meetings with the department head/tranfer credit decider dude.</p>

<p>Good point! She is taking it because she is Pre-med, not for graduation credit, But for MCAT prep. She is not going to transfer this credits to Vanderbilt since she will have other science credits to fulfill graduation requirements.</p>

<p>she needs to consult her premed advisor re the accepted institutions for these courses. A Duke roommate from Chicago took Physics one summer at Northwestern. I recall a Wake Forest premed student whose first choice for taking his science do-over (wanted to make better grade or had withdrawn at Wake in a needed class) was denied near his home city. I know a Davidson premed who was allowed to take a summer science at Emory.</p>