grade inflation in Loudoun County

I’m sorry, but how does anyone take 15 APs? My freshman can’t take any and can take only one sophomore year.

Every school is different. Dean J says that they look at students by what is available at their school. If you aren’t allowed to take that many AP’s then they just look that you challenged yourself and how you did. My point was that if a school does have the opportunity for students to take that many AP’s then colleges like to see that you took advantage of that opportunity to challenge yourself. Some schools don’t offer any AP classes. It is not unusual for the top 10-20 students at our school to take two AP’s 1st year, 2nd year, 2-3, 3rd 4 and 5-7 Senior year. Some of them have to be taken online through Virtual Virginia classes.

@Muad_dib In NOVA, large public h.s. No APs were offered frosh year, 1 AP was offered soph year (2 were available) and 6 each jr and senior year.

In terms of comparing stats with other parents, in my experience some people exaggerate their kids’ numbers.

@vamom23 Does UVA offers visiting tours and information session during summer months of 2018 for prospective students? We see currently no tour information after May 31st that is available on the website.

@nynycasino1234 I would see if you can Tag Dean J here, or on her social media accounts. She may be able to help you. From what I see on this link, it looks like there are tours, but perhaps registration isn’t open yet.

@Dean J Does UVA offers visiting tours and information session during summer months of 2018 for prospective students? We see currently no tour information after May 31st that is available on the website

They only open up a few months at a time. Most colleges are like that.

We took a tour last summer. Dates only opened up 2-3 months in advance.

thanks, will keep looking at the website.