Grade on AP test vs. grade in class?

<p>so how did your AP test grade compare to your grade in the class?</p>

<p>i got a 4 in world history....A- in the class</p>

<p>I got a 5 on APUSH, and B's both semesters. :(</p>

<p>it's ok both of you. as for a lower grade in the AP class, that just means your school or that particular class is harder than the ap TEST!
As long as your grades are not too low- let's say above or equal to a B- and you get a 4 or 5 on the test, you'll be fine. Colleges will think that your school is harder, thus making your GPA more valid.</p>

<p>Or didn't feel like studying much during the year, but you decided to review for the test.</p>

<p>A in world- 3 on test
C in bio- 2 on test</p>

<p>A Calc AB - 4
A Statistics - 4
A Physics B - 4
B US Gov - 5</p>

<p>My gov grade was an A until the end of the year when the teacher gave bs assignments that I thought were a waste of time.</p>

<p>i got 5s on AP Calc AB, AP Bio, AP English Lang, AP Foreign Lang Lit, AP US and got A-s in all except AP US, which was an A</p>

<p>Apush - 5 - 97%</p>

<p>when did you get your AP scores? we don't have them here yet!</p>

<p>Biology - A - 5
Calc AB - B - 5
Calc BC - A - 5
Psychology - A - 5
Spanish Lang - no class - 3
Chemistry - A - 5
Eng. Lit - A - 5
Eng. Lan. - A - 5</p>

<p>esquette i got mine in the mail yesterday in washington. im pretty sure the west coast kids get theirs before the east coast kids. or you can call in if you want to pay the 8 bucks.</p>

<p>spanish lang-solid A both semesters-3 (haha)
music theory-solid A both semesters-5 (4 aural, 5 non-aural)
bio AP-solid A both semesters-5</p>

<p>thanks -- looks like west to east is the trend.</p>

<p>Span Lang: A - 4
Eng Lit: B+ - 3
US History: B - 4
Physics B: A - 5
Calculus AB: A+ - 5</p>

<p>Bio: A/5
Chem: A-/5
USH: A-/5
CompSci AB: A/5
French Lang: A/4</p>

<p>To all of you that got fives: Did you do a lot of prepping before the AP exam?</p>

<p>I studed my ass off for world history and I made 97s in there. I had a REALLY bad day for world history cause I had calc in the morning and had like a 1hr break b4 world history, and I got a 3 on the exam.</p>

<p>On the other hand, calc was an easy class, i made 100s in BC, and made a 5 on the exam.</p>

<p>AP US History-A (4)
English Language-A- (4)</p>

<p>Test/Class 1st semester 2nd semester AP Score
Chem A B 5
Calc AB A A 5</p>