Grade slipped beginning of sophomore year, can I recover?

Hey guys I was wondering if I could recover from a bad start of my sophomore year if I continued doing better than that. I’m really worried I won’t get into a good college or get good scholarships because of silly mistake I did. I am taking 3 AP classes and in all of those I got C’s and I only got one A and one B. My freshmen year I took 1 AP class and got a 4 on the exam and I maintained a 90 GPA. I also took an AP class in my 8th grade and got a 4 on that one too. My cumulative is a 92 and the grade I got for this six weeks (we have 6 six weeks, 3 for each semester) was a 82. Please give me some hope if I can bring it back to a 90 GPA like I always had I’m just so worried!

3 APs as a sophomore is a lot…A’s and B’s are okay…but why did you get the C?
If you keep going and show that you are getting better grades as you take harder classes you will be fine.

There are 3000 colleges/universities in the USA…one of them will be right for you.